This is a two-fer kind of a day since it's Friday and the last day of Me Made May 2013.
You may remember this skirt, kinda sorta! I did another version,
with 8 bandannas.
The skirt I am wearing uses only 4 napkins.
The principal is exactly the same as the skirt I did with 8 bandannas, but with only 4 napkins, it's a much straighter skirt.
My napkins were only 18" wide and I do not have 36" hips so I needed a little extra room and I also wanted the skirt to be a shorter version than the original one..
To add the extra room through the hips, I simply cut one border edge off of the napkin and sewed it to the side which gave the look of a panel down the side of the skirt. Once I had the main area of the skirt finished, I then added the other 2 napkins which I had cut in half diagonally, to the hem of the skirt. You can see the original post with more instructions here,
I was especially lazy with the waistband of the skirt. I simply took a piece of elastic and zigzagged it to the area where I wanted my waistband to be.
No casing whatsoever. It gives a bit of a paper bag look to the waistband.
The formula for this skirt is simply, however many napkins or bandannas that you use for the top portion of the skirt, you will use the same amount for the hem. Just cut them diagonally. So if you use 3 bandannas for the top of the skirt, you will need 3 for the hem area. Once again, just cut them diagonally.
So, that's it for Me Made May. Boy oh boy did this month ever fly by. It seems like we just began. It's been fun though!
Master Sewing and Design Certification Program
Friday, May 31, 2013
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Me Made May 2013 Catching Up
Day 24
Last Friday we were supposed to do something to depict our home town. I was busy working on projects last Friday and more often than not, this is my uniform when I know that I won't really being seeing anyone. Not very exciting, I know. I did not make the jeans or the white t-shirt. The only thing I'm wearing that I did make is the t-shirt.
T-shirts with logos are usually not made like I would like for them to be made. So what I usually do is buy an x-large t-shirt, cut it apart and then I use this old Stretch & Sew pattern to make a t-shirt that I'll enjoy wearing.
This t-shirt came from what was my favorite airport restaurant, Shannon's Landing. Sadly, the recession did it in and it is no longer open. At least I have the t-shirt and the fun memories.
I should have been a cowgirl! I have owned and loved pink cowgirl boots my entire life. The leather is beginning to split on these so it will be time for a new pair soon. The sad part about it it that these are so comfortable. I just hate to give them up :(
Day 26
On Sunday my husband and I celebrated our 29th wedding anniversary. I was a child bride by the way ;-) We had a lovely day. There's a restaurant that I have been wanting to try since they opened and I wanted to try their brunch. I did not disappoint. If you are ever in Chicago I highly recommend having brunch at Nightwood. Everything was so very good. It was cold on Sunday. Funny since today is as hot as Hades! That's Chicago weather for you. Anyway, I was cold so I decided to dress warmly.
The sleeve on this jacket was done for this Sleeves On Saturday post.
The picture isn't the best as I look a little heavy in the picture with the wide leg pants and the swing jacket. In real life is looks pretty nice together. I lined the jacket with the same fabric that I used for the top. I also have a matching skirt, but I never wear the skirt and top with the jacket as it is a very full skirt.
The top is fun to wear. The front is cut on the bias and the back is on the straight of grain. I need to make the pants in another fabric so that the details show up a little better.Day 27
I did this top for a Fabulous Free Pattern Friday post. It's the Draped Poet's Blouse. I wear this top quite a bit in the summer as it just floats around the body. I did not make the t-shirt or the leggings.
You can find the post I did on this top here.
Day 28
I taught a class and it was really warm on Tuesday. I wanted something that I wouldn't melt in so I wore this dress which is one of my patterns. When I originally drafted the pattern, it was intended to have sleeves. I love it with sleeves, but I also enjoy it without sleeves. The neckline drapes in an asymmetrical fashion. One sleeve is a regular set in sleeve and the other side is a drop shoulder sleeve.
Day 29
Day 30
Today I was teaching again and I decided to wear my Perfect Travel Dress. So comfortable and easy to wear. I call this mindless dressing as all I have to do is throw on the dress and out the door I go. You can find the post for this dress here.
I need to find the pictures from last Thursday and Saturday, tomorrow :) There's still another day! Until tomorrow!
Me Made May 2013
We Almost Have Our First 100!!
I received more pillowcases!!! This is just sooo exciting!!!
Inside the package were 8 lovely little cases from Ilse. Two were made from "Dora The Explorer" fabric. Ilse said that she had a bear of a time trying to line up the fabric and had thought that she might not send these, but in the end she did and I am very happy. I think they are just adorable. You can see that my new clothespin bag is coming in quite handy. As I pinned up these cases yesterday and slid my bag along the line, I couldn't help but think about helping my grandmother with the laundry. She never had a dryer, everything was hung on the line to dry and no clothes ever smelled better! She never had such a cute little clothespin bag. If you missed that post, here's a link,
We are just about to hit our first 100 donated pillowcase for Mary Bridge. As I shared with you when we started this project, the hospital goes trough 900 pillowcases in a month. Most of the pillowcases go to children, but pillowcases are also given to those in hospice. At such a critical time in one's life, it must be wonderful to lay your head on a lovely handmade pillowcase and know that someone cared enough to make something so bright and special.
If you would like to participate, there is plenty of time as this project will continue on throughout the summer. I'm hoping for that 900 number!! Here is a link to the pattern,
You do not have to use this pattern, whatever method you prefer will be fine. Email me, and let me know that you are participating. When the cases are delivered to the hospital, I will also include a list of everyone who has participated.
I'm hoping to have the first 100 in the next few days. If I do, I plan to string up lines across my garden and photograph all the cases. I think it will be quite a picture! I can't wait!!
Have a wonderful day.
Mary Bridge
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
The Raised Neckline Collar Tutorial
The tutorial for this collar is up on the Sew News blog! You can find it here,
If you are enjoying the collar tutorials, be sure to let Sew News know. They just might invite me back for more!
If you are enjoying the collar tutorials, be sure to let Sew News know. They just might invite me back for more!
Raised Neckline Collar,
Sew News
Collar Drafting Update
Last week's collar for the Sew News blog did not get published. They were having some difficulty with their site. They had asked if I would like for it to go up once they got the situation figured out, or if I would like to wait and have it posted this week. I told them to just hold it until today. So, hopefully, they'll be able to get it up today. In the meantime, I thought I would give you a sneak peak.
You may recognize the sleeve from this Sleeves On Saturdays post.This collar looks good on just about everyone as it lengthens the neck.
As soon as the post goes up on the Sew News blog, I'll let you know!
Sew News,
Sleeves On Saturdays
Saturday, May 25, 2013
A Saturday Hello
I'm taking a day off from Sleeves On Saturdays. I think you might get the message from the above picture. I MUST clean my house!!! I have guests coming for dinner, so something must give and sadly it's the sleeve!
In loo of the sleeve post today, I thought I would quickly share a few pictures of what some have done with the Anyway Which Way You Want top.
Back in April I taught a class on the top. I thought you might get a kick out of a picture that was taken of me working away. You're not getting the entire picture though. You can see that my hair is pulled back, but what you can't see is that I've pulled off my shoes. Very typical of me when I'm sewing, hair goes up and shoes come off!!!
Here are two of the lovely ladies who took a chance on the pattern. Sue is on the left and Arnita is on the right. Both are such good friends. They do everything in their power to promote what I do. Such a gift! Another member of the Haute Couture Club of Chicago also made up the top and did a fabulous job and even dyed her fabric. The top is incredible, but I can't find a picture of it. I'll keep looking as I know you would enjoy seeing it.
This past week I received a message from Barbara. She was working on the same top and was having a few problems. As it turns out, it was easily fixed as she had the point of the triangle going up towards the shoulder. Once I explained that it went towards the hem, she was off and running. When I awoke this morning, I saw her message along with a picture of her finished top. She said that it is just too cold in Europe to wear it at the moment, but I am sure warmer days are coming :)
I love how everyone takes the pattern and then adapts it to their own style. Just wonderful. Thanks so much ladies for giving it a try. I'm always honored when you do!My original top.
If you would like to see the original post and get the instructions, here is the link,
Have a wonderful day. I think that this how I will look once this day is over!!!!!
Friday, May 24, 2013
Fabulous Free Pattern Friday
Let me begin by saying that this is not my usual Free Pattern Friday post. First and foremost, it is not my design, but I feel that it is such a cute item and so, I want everyone to know about it, at least everyone who might happen to pass by this blog. In a way, this is a combination post of Fabulous Free Pattern Friday and The Wednesday Showcase. It has been a while now since I showcased Maria Jose of I have so enjoyed getting to know her through her blog. She is exceptionally creative, so if by chance you are not following her blog, you might want to just so you'll be one of the first to see the things she posts. She does the most wonderful bags, great clothing and the recipes are a delight as well. Although Maria has no idea that I am doing this, this post is a bit of a guest post since it is her idea.
Isn't this just the cutest thing?!!!
And here's mine! This was such a fun project. With all the pillowcase that I am photographing(happily!!)for the Mary Bride project, I needed something for my clothes pins as I was getting tired of lugging around the ugly plastic bag that they came in. I think this is so much better than the ugly plastic bag :)
I used a lightweight fusible fleece inside my bag to give it a little more body. My lining does not extend to the bottom of the skirt as it would make it difficult to access the clothes pins. I stopped my lining about 2" below the waistline area. One other thing is to make sure that you don't get the hanger area too tight. Mine is a little too snug so I had to open up the seam of one of the sleeves in order to get my hanger in. I then hand sewed the seam back together so it wasn't an issue, but if I ever make another, I will keep in my that I need to have a little more ease around the hanger.
I think these would make the most wonderful gifts. Everyone seems to want to at least have the option to hang their clothes out to dry in the summer and even if you don't, the bag is a lovely item to have in your laundry room. This is an item that can easily be customized for the person to whom it will be given. So much creativity can go into them and once you've done the first, they can be made up in no time at all.
Thank you Maria for such a cute little item!
Isn't this just the cutest thing?!!!
And here's mine! This was such a fun project. With all the pillowcase that I am photographing(happily!!)for the Mary Bride project, I needed something for my clothes pins as I was getting tired of lugging around the ugly plastic bag that they came in. I think this is so much better than the ugly plastic bag :)
You can see my clothes pins inside the dress. The little carrot clothes pins were something I purchased while visiting one of our exchange students in Germany. They have been in a drawer for years. When I pulled out this fabric, I immediately thought about them and thought they they would be a nice touch.
Here is the link to Maria's pattern The post is in Spanish, but you will not need to translate it as her pictures are so well done that like me you'll be able to copy the pattern without a problem.I used a lightweight fusible fleece inside my bag to give it a little more body. My lining does not extend to the bottom of the skirt as it would make it difficult to access the clothes pins. I stopped my lining about 2" below the waistline area. One other thing is to make sure that you don't get the hanger area too tight. Mine is a little too snug so I had to open up the seam of one of the sleeves in order to get my hanger in. I then hand sewed the seam back together so it wasn't an issue, but if I ever make another, I will keep in my that I need to have a little more ease around the hanger.
I think these would make the most wonderful gifts. Everyone seems to want to at least have the option to hang their clothes out to dry in the summer and even if you don't, the bag is a lovely item to have in your laundry room. This is an item that can easily be customized for the person to whom it will be given. So much creativity can go into them and once you've done the first, they can be made up in no time at all.
Thank you Maria for such a cute little item!
Fabulous Free Pattern Friday
A Very Special Package
Pillowcases For Mary Bridge Children's Hospital
When I put out the call for pillowcases for Mary Bridge, I was surprised and delighted when I received a message from Rosangela who lives in Belgium. Yes, Belgium!! A few weeks ago I received a message from her stating that she had finished her cases and was ready to send them to me. They arrived on Wednesday of this week. I was so excited when I arrived home and saw the box at my door.
Her pillowcases are lovely. It's a little difficult to see in this picture, but some of them even have embroidered accents. The second case from the left has some of the embroidery. She sent a total of 14 pillowcases. That alone is an amazing gift, especially coming all the way from Belgium!!In the background of this picture you can see my garden tools and the seeds from the tree. We had quite a rain storm the last two days and that was followed by extremely high winds. I am hoping that this tree has finally shed it's seeds so I can clean up the mess!!
But back to Rosangela's gift. As I pulled out the pillowcases, there in the bottom of the box I found a gift for me, this beautiful piece of fabric along with a rose that can be pinned on my garment or worn in my hair and a lovely package of lavender that will make my drawers smell like the French countryside. So lovely and so very generous. I had said that when the packages arrive it feels like Christmas, well, this time it really was Christmas for me!!
Thank you so much Rosangela for your very generous contribution to this project. I know your generosity will be appreciated. It already is by me :-)
If you would like to participate there is still plenty of time. I have extended the final date as there are so many that would like to work on them throughout the summer. Just email me and let me know that you are participating
Here is a link to the instructions, You do not have to use this pattern, whatever method you enjoy using will be fine.
Thank you to everyone who has participated and to all of you who have pledged to help. I am so grateful and honored that you would join me on this quest.
Mary Bridge
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Me Made May 2013
Day 22
I had a meeting to attend yesterday so I wore my French jacket along with the silk skirt and the draped top that I made from Paco's pattern. I should have straightened out my cowl a bit before I took the picture, but you get the idea. You can see the post I did on this top here. I do love this suit. It was quite an investment of time, but so worth it! Everyone was crazy about my shoes. Just a lucky find.

No sins to confess today :) We'll see if I can come up with something for tomorrow!!
Hope you're having a great day.
Me Made May 2013,
Paco Peralta
100 Acts Of Sewing
Last Saturday I had the opportunity to see a very interesting exhibit entitled, 100 Acts of Sewing.
Sonya Philip is the creator of this exhibit. Below is the statement about the collection and I have also attached a short video just after the statement. It's only about 4 minutes long and I think, well worth watching.
I really like the statement, "making clothing is a conscious choice." Just recently I was talking to someone about the fact that for many of us, we no longer "need" to make our clothes. What was once a necessity has now become a wonderful expression of who we are as well as a desire to not look like a carbon copy of everyone around us. What touched me the most about Sonya's collection of dresses was the simplicity, one simple pattern made with different fabrics and a few different shapes added. Simple and yet creative.
The master pattern for this dress is available in her Etsy shop here, At the moment the patterns are out of stock, but I am sure she will be adding more soon. This is a wonderful pattern to use for teaching, just a basic aline dress with sleeves, and the sleeves of course are optional.
This month I have been participating in the Me Made May 2013 challenge. What I thought would just be a fun thing to do has turned into something so much more, a spiritual journey of sorts. I plan to write more about this in this week's Sunday Night Reflections post. Where would my life be without sewing? And yet, I have also hid my art. That is what sewing is for all of us, it is our expression, our art, whether we are making a simple top or an elaborate coat, it is our art. I challenge you to take a few moments today to look in your closet and just enjoy all that you have created.
Sonya Philip is the creator of this exhibit. Below is the statement about the collection and I have also attached a short video just after the statement. It's only about 4 minutes long and I think, well worth watching.
What began as a personal challenge to make 100 dresses in a year, has developed into a larger exploration of praxis. It functions in three parts: display, demonstration, and instruction. The purpose is to not only present the product of a year's labor, but to also expose the process, and in turn educate the audience. This exposure acts as an impetus, allowing people to recognize that they can sew clothes, an awareness that simultaneously creates conscious consumers, offers a connection to the past, and provides a means of reclaiming personal style.
All aspects of creating clothing require skill, and whether it is making cloth, dyeing, printing, or sewing, these are skills our society has largely lost or pushed offshore. The term “fast fashion” coined by Elizabeth Cline in her book Overdressed, aligns cheaply-made clothes with fast food. Specifically, the ways in which it is bad for our collective health. In the United States, we buy more clothes and wear them for less time. Shopping is often solely a means of fulfillment. We do not see nor often think of the real cost our clothing consumption has for the laborers or the environment. When we know how to sew with our own hands, we can make and remake and make well. We become more discerning of our goods and create the possibility of rejecting mass produced items. When we possess this skill, when we realize the time and physical labor that goes into making a garment from start-to-finish, we are more thoughtful about what we purchase, are more cognizant about production, and we are ultimately less driven by the forces of consumption and accumulation.
Making clothing is a conscious choice; it is an investment of time over convenience. The creation of a functional garment, engenders self-sufficiency and happiness. Since it is perilous to compare what one makes to the immutable perfection of store-bought, in sewing for oneself it is the work itself, and the recognition of flaws and gradual achievement of better skills as part of that work, that produces satisfaction. It is traditionally a woman's craft and is associated with the domestic sphere. The practice is a continuation of a millennium’s-long lineage, one that creates an interdependence between seasoned practitioners and new enthusiasts, with room for celebrating each act of making from simple to complex. Workshops held in conjunction with exhibits, teach participants how to make a dress. The pattern consists of just four seams and a hem. The simplicity of the design makes it accessible, meaning people leave with an identifiable end-product and an important sense of accomplishment. This project is thus a collaboration with the people who see it and the people who are taught, starting them on the road to creating their own clothes. I hope to inspire people to use their sewing machines, or at least think about who used a sewing machine to create the garments they wear.
Clothing is an elemental part of day-to-day life, offering both protection and adornment. It is also bound up with ideas of culture and the body. Alternately encouraged by and excoriated by the media, women in the US forge a deep discontent with their bodies that leads many on a constant search for clothes that alter appearance. In response to an ever-varying trend to either conceal or reveal, women go through a series of manipulations of their bodies through clothing under the rubric of “fashion.” Sewing is a way to return to a more primary mode of expression, which a person can choose to follow or create their own style. Within just a single dress pattern, there are endless permutations through the variables of fabric, be it fiber content, color, or print. The resulting garment is unique and acts to place a stamp of individuality in a uniform world: it is a display of a person's skill as well as their taste. Handmade has an authenticity, where each choice is deliberate, from how cloth is cut to the color of thread. In this way a bespoke garment becomes a truly reflective canvas.
Sewing clothes creates value through the appreciation of skill, the awareness of tradition, and the creation of agency. In Das Kapital, Karl Marx writes “He who satisfies his own need with the product of his own labour admittedly creates use values, but not commodities.” We exist in a world of hyper-commodification where sewing can act as a balm. When we sew our own clothes, we become mindful of the time and labor that goes into each garment and the cost that piece work and production line assembly must have on the human body. In this way, the education of the audience ultimately comes from the de-alienation of the process.
I really like the statement, "making clothing is a conscious choice." Just recently I was talking to someone about the fact that for many of us, we no longer "need" to make our clothes. What was once a necessity has now become a wonderful expression of who we are as well as a desire to not look like a carbon copy of everyone around us. What touched me the most about Sonya's collection of dresses was the simplicity, one simple pattern made with different fabrics and a few different shapes added. Simple and yet creative.
The master pattern for this dress is available in her Etsy shop here, At the moment the patterns are out of stock, but I am sure she will be adding more soon. This is a wonderful pattern to use for teaching, just a basic aline dress with sleeves, and the sleeves of course are optional.
This month I have been participating in the Me Made May 2013 challenge. What I thought would just be a fun thing to do has turned into something so much more, a spiritual journey of sorts. I plan to write more about this in this week's Sunday Night Reflections post. Where would my life be without sewing? And yet, I have also hid my art. That is what sewing is for all of us, it is our expression, our art, whether we are making a simple top or an elaborate coat, it is our art. I challenge you to take a few moments today to look in your closet and just enjoy all that you have created.
100 Acts of Sewing
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Me Made May 2013
Day 21
You may remember my top from last week's Sew News post, and the little puff sleeve was done here,
I just love the top, but a picture is worth a thousand words and the words this picture speaks are, "your pants are too big!!" I knew they were too big when I put them on. Let me say though that I did not make them. I came across them in a store, they were a great buy, they are too big and I have had every intention of taking them up, but I really wanted to wear a pair of white pants today so..... look at what I did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You may remember my top from last week's Sew News post, and the little puff sleeve was done here,
I just love the top, but a picture is worth a thousand words and the words this picture speaks are, "your pants are too big!!" I knew they were too big when I put them on. Let me say though that I did not make them. I came across them in a store, they were a great buy, they are too big and I have had every intention of taking them up, but I really wanted to wear a pair of white pants today so..... look at what I did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh Rhonda you didn't!!!! Sadly, yes I did, I pinned those suckers in the back and pulled my top down over the pinning and out the door I went. Shame, shame shame and a little more shame!!!!! And now the picture tells the entire story, yes, I hang my head in shame :-), sheepish grin!
I hope you've had a great day!
Me Made May 2013
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