Only two days ago I promised myself that I would post a blog everyday this week. I'm only two days into the week and I'm already behind. But, I am going to make up for it today and do two posts.
As I opened the blog this morning, I saw that I have a new follower. I feel so honored. Welcome!! I hope that you will enjoy my posts.

In October of 2009, I had the honor of meeting Judith Neukam of Threads magazine. She is such a lovely person. I helped judge a contest that was sponsored by Threads for the Association of Sewing and Design Professionals. The garments that we chose as the finalists were spectacular. You can see the garments in the April/May 2010 issue of Threads. We were supposed to have a dress form to put the garments on. We didn't have one so I ended up being the model as well as a judge (how lucky does one get!). I think that because we were able to see the garments on a real body, we were able to see how they moved as well as how they fit. There was one garment that didn't look like anything on the hanger, but when I put it on, I didn't want to give it back. At the end of the day, Judy noticed the top that I was wearing and asked if I would be interested in doing an article for Threads. I was shocked, but so happy. Of course, of course I would love the opportunity!!!!! Months went by and then last June I received an email message from Judy. She said that they would like to put my top in the Dec./Jan. issue. I just couldn't believe what I was reading, she really wanted me. How exciting. So then the work began. It's a rather difficult task to explain how to do something that is very technical. Since I've never done anything like this before, I wasn't sure what they would need. I decided to send one top that was finished and another that was in progress along with my pattern. The instructions I emailed along with my own pictures of the top on my fitting form.

During the process, I received a message from Judy that they would also like to include me on the Contributor's Page. I sent in a few pictures. I had a difficult time getting a picture that would fit the format that they needed. For any of you who have read my blog, you know that I am not a photograper. If I do take a good picture, it is purely by accident.

The question they asked was, "What was the best sewing gift you ever received?" That was easy for me. When I was 15, my mother gave me a pattern along with fabric to make the outfit. When I opened the present and saw the fabric, I couldn't believe my eyes, the fabric was exactly the same fabric that was on the pattern envelope. I am working on writing a piece about this experience. Once I've finished, I'll post it, so stay tuned.
The dog that is pictured with me is not my dog. She is a rescue dog that I had the opportunity to initially rescue. Once she was in Chicago, the Illinois Birddog Rescue found out that she tested positive for Lyme Disease. She was put on medication. This was one story that I got to see from beginning to end. I took her to her new adopted family in Columbus, Ohio. Her name is Libbie and she owns a piece of my heart. I always say a prayer over each dog I rescue. They've been given a chance and I pray that they will change a life the way my dogs have changed mine.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Judy Neukam and everyone at Threads.
Yay! I just renewed my Threads subscription today, and I can't wait to see your article. I love the look of that top. Congrats!