Master Sewing and Design Certification Program
Monday, December 21, 2020
Celtic Dreams/The Flipping Pleats Skirt
Sunday, December 20, 2020
Tuesday, December 8, 2020
Tea Towel Totes
If you've followed the blog for a while, you may remember the summer bucket list that my husband found in the alley a couple of summers ago. It had been written by a teenage girl. At least the items on her list were things a teenage girl would like to do. The list was fun, and interesting. My husband tried to see if he could find someone and return the list, but no one was to be found, so he brought the list home to me. I was so inspired by her list that it prompted me to create 1 of my own. What really inspired me was the fact that she was so looking forward to summer, with intention, and with goals. As I read through her list, I realized that I allow time to just go by. Yes, I have goals, but the very focused aspect of her list is what inspired me to do 1 of my own.
When I sat down to work on my list, I decided that rather than just write it on paper, I would paint something and make it all the more special. Here is what I did, a bouquet of cone flowers.
After I finished the piece, I decided that I would like to see about turning it into fabric. Off to Spoonflower! There I was able to upload my piece and create fabric. I did do a yardage piece that ended up becoming part of a bag;
Sunday, December 6, 2020
Sunday's Soup/Popeye's Spinach Soup

Tuesday, December 1, 2020
It's a Pajama Party!
A few years ago, I read Madame Chic by Jennifer Scott, and thoroughly enjoyed it. You can find all 3 of her books HERE. I've read them all and enjoyed each of them.
In her first book she talks about going to France and being an exchange student(something dear to my heart). Not long after she arrived, she had given her clothes to her host mother to wash. Her host mother took 1 look at her pajamas, at least what she was wearing for pajamas, I think they were an old pair of sweat pants that had belonged to her sister, and an old sweatshirt. They were full of holes. Her host mother was horrified as she thought that she may have done something in the wash to cause the holes. Jennifer told her that no, the holes were there. Her host mother just couldn't understand why she would want to wear something like this. The conversation prompted her to go out and purchase a proper pair of pajamas, and she said that she was amazed by how much better she felt, and how much better she slept.
This prompted me to take a closer look at what I was wearing to bed. Not the best. So, I have been on a mission to revamp my bedtime wardrobe, and find pieces that feel wonderful, that I enjoy wearing, and will keep me warm in the winter. I thought I would share my makes as they are simple, comfortable, and I actually look forward to putting them on at night.
I have found that I REALLY love wearing leggings to bed, at least in the winter. They stay in place, and aren't riding up my leg during the night. The legging pattern that I have used over and over again is the Loveland Legging pattern from Sew News. I can make these in less than an hour. The top that I am wearing below is a free pattern from Fancy Tiger Crafts. It's their One Hour Top pattern, and you can find it HERE. I lengthened the top a bit, and lengthened the sleeves. Love it!
Sunday, November 29, 2020
Sunday Brunch/Easy Sunday Crepes
A year or so ago, I made pumpkin pancakes for our Sunday breakfast. I had made enough so that there were 3 leftover for my husband's Monday morning breakfast.
When we had finished our breakfast, I grabbed my cup of tea, and went over to watch a Sunday morning news program. My husband had taken our plates to the sink. All of a sudden I heard him scream, "NOOOO!!!" I looked over to see Berkley standing on the bench with his front legs on the table, eating the pancakes. When my husband screamed, rather than jump down, he began to eat faster! I guess he thought, "I'm in it now, I may as well get it all!" ;) This little dog absolutely LOVES pancakes...of every type.
I have been going through recipes that I've posted in the past, and there are a number that I feel I need to revisit, and have them so that you can easily print them. I originally posted this recipe in 2012...8 years ago :/ Wow! I really wanted to post it now as the holidays are coming, such a wonderful time to do something lovely for your family, and such a wonderful excuse to sit down and really connect.
Crepes are so easy to make. They are nice and light, so you don't get up from the table feeling as though you need a nap. And, the fillings can be tailored to the likes of everyone who comes to the table.
The recipe is below.
Once the mix has been made, heat a skillet or crepe pan. If you don't have a crepe pan, you don't need one! A skillet will work just fine. Add a small pat of butter to the pan to season it. Pour 1/4 cup of the batter into the pan. Swirl the pan to distribute the batter as evenly as possible. Cook until the batter is no longer runny, about a minute.
Sunday, November 22, 2020
Sunday's Soup/Glazed Maple Carrot Soup
It's been quite a while since I've posted a soup recipe, but I'm back with a good one, if I say so myself. I've posted a number of carrot soups, but what I especially like about this one is that it is truly perfect for the upcoming holidays. And such a nice change from the traditional pumpkin soups. It's quite easy to make, and will freeze beautifully. And too, it's quite aromatic, so it will make your home smell so inviting.

Friday, November 13, 2020
A Little Work, A Little Time, But It's All Worth It
I am almost 5 months into my challenge, and I am loving it more with each passing day. First of all, I am really wearing my clothes, and that's just the best! The challenge has caused me to look very closely at what's in my closet, and to really focus on what's there. Another wonderful aspect of the challenge is that while I do not sew everyday(while many think I must), it has inspired me to sew more, and I love that. I have been pulling pieces out of my collection, and I am so excited about getting new pieces made. I came across a wonderful quilted knit piece that I had completely forgotten that I had. So excited!!!You'll see it made up soon!
With today's post, we are starting with October 17th. I had made the t-shirt from Vogue 9108. To be honest, I wasn't happy with how it turned out. The fit is just a little off. But, it's wearable. I did not make the leggings from the pattern, but used the Sew News Loveland Leggings pattern. Since I had the t-shirt and the leggings made, I wanted to wear them, but didn't have time to get the tunic together, so I whipped up a little rectangle skirt from my Fabulous Free Pattern Friday series. It's just 1 rectangle,and 1 seam. Doesn't get any easier. You can find the instructions HERE. I felt like I was channeling my inner Janice Joplin. All I needed was a feather boa :)
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
Time Changes Things...But Does It?
This past Sunday, I was able to spend time with a special member of my family. She had said that I could meet her, and sit with her during her hair appointment, and then we could go for lunch. What I thought would be maybe an hour turned out to be a number of hours since she also had color done. I told her that when I saw the foils come out, I thought, "oh no!!!, I'm going to be sitting here for quite some time." I thought too about what I could possibly do for the next 3 hours :/ As it turned out, the salon had a current edition of Vogue magazine which I had not read. And yes, I read it from cover to cover ;)
I so enjoy Vogue magazine. Always have. Not only do they have wonderful fashion editorials, the writers are amazing, and I always learn something new. In this issue, they had a lovely article on an exhibit that is currently at The Metropolitan Museum of Art entitled, About Time: Fashion and Duration. While most of us will not be able to take a trip to New York City to see the exhibit, we can visit it virtually.
In the video below, the curator, Andrew Bolton explains the thought process behind the exhibition, and he also walks us through the collection. What an incredible opportunity!
(Right) Interruption: Nicolas Ghesquière (French, born 1971) for Louis Vuitton (French, founded 1854). Dress, spring/summer 2018. Courtesy of Collection Louis Vuitton