Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Thursday, November 22, 2012


Today is the Thanksgiving holiday here in America. As I think about the word "thanksgiving," I'm a little overwhelmed with all the thoughts of what this holiday seems to kick off here in America. In an increasing attempt to be the first to grab our holiday dollars, stores are opening earlier and earlier. If I'm not mistaken, there are stores that are open now as I write this at 8:30 in the morning. Now, I am not 20, and I'm not 90 either, but I well remember what this holiday represented at one time. There was the coming together of family, the Thanksgiving Day Macy's Parade on television, food that was lovingly prepared, games in the yard later in the day. There was no thought of shopping whatsoever, all the stores were closed. If there was something you needed for your meal, you borrowed it from a neighbor. On Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, we would head downtown for the traditional kick off of Christmas with the parade where Santa would make his first appearance at the end. Stores did not open early, people did not stand in line for ungodly amounts of time, nor did they run over each other as the doors opened. And yet, stores made money.
Thanksgiving, a two part word, the first part implies a thankful spirit. I have so very much to be thankful for, but today I want to focus more on the second part of the word, giving. I recently received a message from a woman asking for the slipper pattern. She told me that her funds are quite tight and yet she wants to give gifts. I've also heard from women who are getting together to make slippers for people who are bedridden as the slippers easily slip on and off and are not tight against their legs. There was a home ec teacher who wanted the pattern as a community service project for her class. I'm so touched. 
So in the spirit of giving, I thought I would revisit some of the items that I have posted that make lovely presents, or wonderful decorations and cost very little to make. 
First up is the Pointsettia Napkin Ring that I posted last year. I have sent out so many patterns for this little napkin ring. If you would like the pattern, just email me at and I'll get it out to you as soon as possible. A lovely little present for a friend would be to make a set and include the pattern. Just an idea!!

Many of you have seen the slipper pattern I posted a few months ago. If I had a dollar for all of the patterns I have sent out...I would have a lot of dollars!! But money can never replace all the lovely people who have floated through my life. And even more, I am so grateful to have had the opportunity and honor to hear your stories. Thank you. If anyone would like the slipper pattern, once again, just email me at and I will be more than happy to send it out.

Last year I posted this Christmas ornament. It's basically a quilt on a styrofoam ball. Even better, there is no stitching, just ModPodge!! Many of you make clothes for your children. What a wonderful little memory piece it would be to use scraps from the items you have made for them. You can find the instructions here.

This is a funky little item I made for Fabulous Free Pattern Friday a year ago. The necklace is made from strips of felt, super easy to do and it doesn't take forever to make. You can see the instructions for the necklace here.
I hope that maybe one of these ideas will help to make your holiday season a little less stressful.
I'm off for a hike in the woods with my dogs!
Have a wonderful day!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving, Rhonda. Thanks so much for the links to your clever "makeits" Enjoy your hike.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving, Rhonda! I wish that Thanksgiving was still the way you describe. It still is in my house! Why shop when you can make memories with family and friends?!
    Your slipper pattern is on my weekend to-do list! :-)

    1. One of the things I enjoy so much about your blog is watching how you create such a lovely life for your family. You are a very special lady.
