Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Permission To Dress

True beauty comes to us as we become comfortable with who we are. Some years ago I realized that the most beautiful women I knew were all quite advanced in years. Youth is pretty, but life and the wisdom it can bring gives us beauty. 
One of the most beautiful women I know sent me the video I've attached to this post. Each one of the ladies who are showcased here have discovered their true beauty.

Some of my favorite lines;

"I'm not ready for a convent, so I can wear leopard glasses."

"Young women, you're going to be an old woman some day, don't worry about it. Every era builds character."

"I dress up for the theatre that is my life."

The store clerk will say, "Everyone is wearing this." I say, "then put it down and don't show it to me."

"It's fun to dress up, it's an exercise in creativity."

"There is no substitue for life experience."

I'm still trying to get back into the swing of things since my little sick spell last week. I'll be back tomorrow with The Wednesday Showcase and another post on what I'm working on.
Don't let those fabulous clothes you make hang in the closet ladies.....WEAR THEM!!!!!


  1. I love this video, thanks for posting this. Hope you are feeling better. Happy Thanksgiving.

  2. This hasn't been the best day, but you ahev saved it with this post- you and the fashionistas never fail to inspire me!

  3. Love it! Thanks, and I hope you're feeling better.

  4. I love advanced style. So encouraging of us all, wherever we are in life.

  5. I love: "You don't want to look crazy. The object is to look as chic as you can . . ." But to look unique! I certainly didn't start to feel confident enough to develop my own personal style until I reached 40. I think dressing up every day makes every day seem a little more special. Thanks for the video, Rhonda. Hope you feel like yourself again soon!
