Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Friday, November 23, 2012

Unique Wrapping for Sewists

This morning I took a few minutes to check out my pins on Pinterest and saw that Bunny had repinned
the felt necklace that I reposted yesterday as a gift idea. Thanks Bunny!! As I looked through her pins, I found this wonderful picture.
What sewist wouldn't want a present wrapped like this? And I love the vintage buttons clipped to the side. Just too cute. I can be such a child at times as I would rather have the wrapped present than whatever is inside. You know the old story, you give a child a wonderful present and they play with the box. I guess that's me!
I'm sure we all made paper flowers when we were children, but just in case you have forgotten, here's a video that will give you a quick refresher. The flower in the video is held together with a pipe cleaner, but a twist tie would work just as well.
The second video shows a more attractive and fluffy flower.

For more gift wrapping ideas, check out this blog, And if you would like to see some other great little gift ideas check out Bunny's Gift board on Pinterest. You can find her board here.
Happy Wrapping!!


  1. Great idea. Hadn't thought of paper flowers since I was a kid. The video was helpful. Since I will be traveling to another state for Christmas, these flowers could be folded but not "bloom" until I get there, thereby allowing me to wrap boxes and pack in suitcase without crunching the bow or flower. I will use these this year for sure. Thanks.

  2. This looks fun to do! Thanks for yet another helpful post
