Good Morning!!! Well, my morning is starting off much better than it yesterday.
I enjoy telling crazy stories about myself. I enjoy laughing, and just a little insight into me, I especially enjoy laughing at my own jokes and even at myself :) So with that said, you won't believe what I did yesterday morning.
My husband and I have been a little worried about our dog Gracie. She came to us a stray, an absolute mess. She was starving, in fact, so thin that when she laid on the floor, her stomach would completely collapse to nothing. She was missing hair on one side of her body and she also had a rather large cyst on her side. Long story a little shorter, a little TLC and she has become just a lovely dog, a dog that can run like the win, and a beauty to watch when we're out on a hike. But, she has continued to have some stomach issues.
When I came downstairs yesterday morning, my husband had already had the dogs out for their morning walk. He said that there was still concern with Gracie and when she walked in the door, she vomited. So a call to the vet's office. The receptionist said that he would most definitely want to see her and they really needed to see a stool sample. Oh great!, my husband walked them at 6:00 and who knows where he disposed of the bag! I made a quick phone call and he said that it was in our neighbors garbage and it would be easy to find as it was the only thing in the can. Alright, so off I went with a stick. When I looked in the can, there were 3 bags! Oh great, which one is it??? So I fished out all 3 and waited for my husband to come back, hoping that he would remember the bag he used. Of course, as fate would have it, while I was standing there fishing the poop bags out of the garbage, one of my neighbors drove by. Talk about adding insult to injury ;) While at the vet's office, I told him the story. He loved it and enjoyed a good laugh at my expense, me too :) I said, "well, you know you love your dog when you're willing to go fish poop bags out of the garbage!!!" At this point, we're waiting for the tests to come back. Gracie has received lots of kisses. If only kisses could make everything better ;)
Now, for something precious.
I receive some of the loveliest messages and they are always such a surprise as well as a delight. Back in April, I received a message from a follower who told me that I had given her the confidence to start doing a little pattern drafting. Her passion is doll clothes. She said that she has no interest in "people size clothes." Her pattern had just been published and so she wanted to share her success with me. I was so touched, but then, curiosity got the better of me, and I really wanted to see what she had created. She gladly sent me a picture and said that if I would like to give the pattern a test for her, she would be so happy. Well, so much for testing, remember, the pattern was sent to me in April! Thankfully she is a very patient person.
When I received the pattern, I was really intrigued with the bodice of the dress. The shaping is quite nice and rather different whether for a doll pattern or a full size dress pattern.
A sample of dresses made by the "real testers." You can see the bodice a little better in the picture on the right.
The instructions are incredible. Absolutely step by step, with photos, so you can't go wrong.
Please forgive my little model. I don't have an 18" doll, so I borrowed my little neighbor's well loved doll. Once I finished the dress, my husband even commented on how cute it is!
An up close picture of the bodice.
The construction of the bodice may seem like it would be a little daunting, but it is so well thought out. The shaping lines are basically tucks. The lining is drafted as a stay with no tuck lines or princess line seam .

The bodice and the waistband are fully lined.
The dress was a breeze to put together, and I had so much fun doing something a little out of the ordinary.
As I read about how many have started sewing, time after time, they began by making doll clothes. If you have a child that would like to learn to sew, I think this would be a great pattern, and here's why. The pattern is so well marked, notches exactly where they should be. I'm a big stickler about notches! As I said earlier, I love the fact that the instructions are so well thought out and that there are so many pictures accompanying the instructions. Makes for a perfect teaching tool.
If you would like to take a look at the pattern, you can find it
HERE. This is a pattern that I plan to make again. Do a puff sleeve and a long, full skirt and it becomes a wedding dress, lots of fun possibilities. Since my little neighbor was so generous with her doll, I think it would be nice to add to the doll's wardrobe.
For those of you who enjoy making doll clothes,
Pixie Faire is a great website to check out for patterns. They offer free patterns on Friday, and if you think you might like to take a stab at drafting some of your own doll patterns, they offer classes.
Have a wonderful day!