I have wanted to write for as long as I can remember. When I was in the fourth grade, I had to go to school early as my parents left for work and I couldn't be home alone. For those of us who arrived early, the school had someone to watch us on the play ground as long as the weather permitted. If it was too cold or raining, we could come in to the gym, but we weren't allowed to play. We were to quietly work on our homework. I always did my homework the night before so I had nothing to do. Rather than get in trouble for talking, I decided to write a book. I was no Anne Frank! I decided that my book would be about a little girl and her adventures. Of course the little girl was me, but her adventures were from my dreams. I loved the mornings when we were in the gym. I would write and write, lost in a world that only existed in my head. After so many pages, I decided that I had done enough for a chapter and on I would go to the next. I had no idea of how to structure a book, four or five pages of notebook paper seemed like enough for a chapter. Sadly, all those pages filled with adventure were thrown away when we prepared for our next move. What I wouldn't give to just have a peek at what I wrote so long ago. After so many years, I am writing once again. What a joy it is for me, and how grateful I am to all of you who read and send the most wonderful notes to me. I think the notes that I receive are my favorite part of writing this blog. You inspire me. Just recently I found out that my blog had been in one of the Threads emails. You can see the article if you go to
www.threadsmagazine.com/item/17646/when-the-ground-is-white-youve-got-time-to-write. In the article they tell you how you can submit a potential article to Threads Magazine. I received an email from a follower in Houston,TX who is the newsletter editor for the Greater Houston ASG. She had put the information about my blog in thier newsletter. Quite an honor. And thanks to another follower, I found out about
http://www.artisanssquare.com/. If you type in my name in the search area you will see all the conversation that has gone on about the Spin Around Top. One of the ladies has made a pile of them. Incredible. Two of my friends here in Chicago are working on the jacket pattern that I sent out to a number of you. One is doing the jacket in the most beautiful red silk from China. The other is doing her jacket in a wonderful piece of felted wool. I saw it last Sunday. I wanted to keep it! This same friend decided to make the rectangle skirt that I posted a while back. She walked in to the luncheon and fashion show wearing her skirt and looking like a million bucks.

Doesn't she look great?!!

This picture I just had to include. I love meeting Rhondas. There aren't a lot of us out there. Rhonda is on the right. She won the faux fur collar I made and donated to the raffle for the Haute Couture Fashion show. I had no idea who won it until I walked out in my first garment and saw Rhonda sitting there wearing the collar. I received a message today that she wore it the entire afternoon. This is a great collar and very easy to do. It was a free download from Haberman's Fabrics which is in Michigan. The address for the collar is
www.habermanfabrics.com/proj_furcollar.html. It can be worn in a number of ways, and I think it's just a fun item to add to your wardrobe. Between a broken computer and just having a little too much on my plate, I have let me little series of Rectangles, Squares and Circles slide. I am coming back to it and I have some great things in store. Thank you all again for following and for your wonderful messages and emails. As I said, you all inspire me.