When I first started flying, I couldn't even find grass on the ground. Now, many ratings and lots of hours later, I must say, it's as natural for me to fly as it is to eat. It's a part of who I am. I can't imagine my life if flying had not been a part of what I do.
Last Sunday, I had the wonderful opportunity to fly 9 little puppies from Indianappolis back to Gary where they were picked up and taken to their destination, Appleton ,WI. They had been in a high kill shelter in Kentucky. I've flown dog rescue for a number of years now, and it is always wonderful.
My dear friend, Randy flew along on this trip. I met him when he was only 8 years old. Without a doubt, he is a genius. I was so impressed when he completely replumbed a bathroom at 9 years old, and I've been impressed ever since. He's now 21 and works on my airplane. He and his older brother have for some reason decided to adopt me. If there is anything I need, they're there. I feel so very blessed. Why they care so much about me, I really don't know, but I am forever grateful. And I am grateful that their parents are so generous in sharing their sons with me.
So, my best Sunday, flying, spending time with Randy and giving nine of God's creatures a second chance. Such a sweet life.