How do you feel about compliments? It seems that some are quite taken back when given a compliment, feeling as though it's not given in sincerity. Yes, that can be true, but I think for the most part, we know when a compliment is attached with an expectation, or just isn't sincere.
Last week, I received probably the loveliest compliment...ever. I had flown with a flight instructor whom I had never met. While we were out, it began to rain quite hard, the clouds began to sink, and the visibility was not the best. I've been in situations like this before, so I wasn't uncomfortable, and felt fine about us making it back to the airport without any problem. That night, the instructor sent me a note. Here's a portion of the note;
"Just wanted to reach out and thank you for our flight today. Your experience and professionalism helped me in expanding my personal minimums. You have a calm demeanor, and you fly the airplane like an expert."
What an amazing compliment! So kind, and so very generous. He has no idea of how much it meant to me. I did thank him, but still, he can't possibly understand the gift it was to me.
Last Monday, I did an inspiration post on cargo pants. A few weeks ago, I saw this picture in an email from Mood Fabrics;
I really love the pants, and I posted the picture on my Instragram page. My friend, Cennetta of The Mahogany Stylist saw the picture, and then proceeded to give me a call. She too loved the pants, and said that it reminded her of an out of print Simplicity pattern.
As we were talking, I looked up the pattern and saw that I could get 1 from an Etsy site. Then I had the idea that we could possibly do a challenge. Cennetta loved the idea, so off we went!
Here's what we have planned for the month of July.
*Week One: Any view of the pants from Simplicity 5102 using the pattern without any style changes.
*Week Two: Use any view, but add a personalized detail.
*Week Three: Once again, any view of Simplicity 5102, any view, but personalized to our own taste and style.
*Week Four: Make a cargo skirt using Simplicity 5102.
For the first week, I have chosen a very typical cargo pant like fabric. It's a gray/green fabric that has a little stretch. Love that stretch!!
I think it's going to be a fun challenge, and even better, I'll get at least 3 new pairs of pants out of the deal :) You can see Cennetta's post and fabric choice HERE.
If you would like to join us, we would love to have you! Post your makes on Instagram using #sewcargocrazy and/or #sewcargo. Be sure to pop over to Cennetta's instagram page and check out the discount that Mood Fabrics is offering. You can find Cennetta HERE on Instagram.
For the most part, we never know how we touch other lives, what a compliment, or just a simple smile can mean. Be free with your compliments. You never know if that will be the thing that may turn a life around.
Happy Sewing!