Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Sunday, November 25, 2012

Sunday's Soup

Herbed Cauliflower Potato Soup
The recipe I'm sharing today was made last night. My husband sat down, took one taste of the soup and said, "Wow, this is great!" Score!! I was a little concerned as the ingredients are a bit different, but his comment was unsolicited and genuine, so that's a pretty good endorsement I think. The soup is packed full of wonderful nutrients that are wonderful for us especially as the temperatures begin to drop and people with colds become more prevelant.
The ingredients;

1 large onion
1 leek
3 pounds of first quality small white potatos
1 head of cauliflower
6 to 7 cups of water
2 to 3 large cubes of Knorr Vegetable Bouillon
3/4 cup of fresh dill and parsley combined
2 cloves of garlic
2 tablespoons of olive oil
2 tablespoons of dijon mustard
2 teaspoons of liquid smoke
1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar
2 to 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise, I use the mayo made from olive oil
salt, black pepper and cayenne pepper to taste

Begin by chopping the onion and the leek. Heat oil in heavy bottom pan and add the onion and leek. Saute until tender. Break apart the cauliflower and chop the potatoes into chunks leaving skin on. Once onions are tender, add cauliflower and potatoes to the pot, along with the chopped garlic. Add 4 cups of water and 2 cubes of the
vegetable bouillon. You may use broth or stock instead of water and bouillon if you choose. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer approximately 20 minutes or until potatoes and cauliflower are tender.  
Once the vegetables are tender, I like to take a vegetable masher and mash down the vegetables. This is not necessary, just what I like to do. By mashing the vegetables at this point, I am able to see how much more water I will need.
Add the chopped herbs, liquid smoke, dijon mustard, mayonnaise, and vinegar. Use a hand held mixing wand to puree soup until smooth or blend in a blender or food processor. Add enough water (or broth) to bring soup to desired consistency. Add salt pepper and cayenne to taste. Simmer on a low flame for a half hour to combine flavors.
This soup freezes well and it is also a soup that is better the second day as the flavours have a chance to mingle and enhance the soup.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, does this sound wonderful. It's going in the food queue.Thanks, Rhonda.
