Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Tuesday Check In

The fashion show for the Haute Couture Club of Chicago was wonderful. I so enjoyed the day! A couple of highlights...

I had the opportunity to meet Mary Ellen of Mary Ellen Sews. Such a delight. For some reason, I thought that she was maybe 5 feet tall, but she is model like in stature. So lovely. Sadly, the day was quite busy and I only had a few moments to talk. Be sure to check out her blog if you have not. I know you will enjoy getting to know her. She has family living in the Chicagoland area, so I am hoping that she will return, sooner than later.

This was just the best!!!...

A young man by the name of Emmanuel designed the cover of our program book. He is working on a bachelor's degree in Fashion Illustration and Design at the Illinois Institute of Art. 

As I was going around to each table, saying hello, and thanking everyone for coming to the show, one of the ladies commented on how lovely the booklet was and that it was actually frameable. She had gone over and asked Emmanuel if he would sign the cover, which he did. Hmmm, that gave me an idea. I decided that this was a moment for him, so I brought him up on stage during my opening remarks and introduced him. After the show was over, I had a few moments to sit down with him. He told me that at one point he was going to get up to leave, he turned around, and there was a line waiting for his autograph. I LOVED it!!!! 

I have yet to post anything, but I did sign up for Me Made May this year.  

My plan is not to post a picture each and everyday. Once a week is fine. My primary goal is to weed out my closet and keep just the items that I truly love...and wear. So far it is going fairly well. I have packed up a number of items that I am going to put in our neighborhood garage sale in a few weeks. If they don't sell, they are headed for the resale shop. But, I plan to purge quite a few more pieces. Look for an upcoming closet post. I've cleaned out my drawers, and oh my does it ever feel good. When you see them, you are probably going to gasp at my collection of scarves and gloves, but I do wear them, so a large collection is fine if it is used. 

I haven't participated in Me Made May for a few years. In the past, when I have, I've learned a lot about myself, as well as my wardrobe. I'm interested to see the revelations that come from this experience. Be sure to pop over to Zoe's blog to see her Me Made May progress. If you are on Instagram, check out all the fun photos of the Me Made participants. You can find them HERE. And last, but not least, check out the podcast that Zoe did with the gals of Love to Sew , and hear her thoughts on Me Made May.    

I will be announcing a fun giveaway tomorrow. We haven't had one for a while, so it's time :) And I will also begin a new segment on using a basic t-shirt pattern and reconstructing/redesigning it into so many fun styles. I think you'll love it. I hope so anyway. 

Have a wonderful day!


  1. No one will every get me out of Texas. LOL BUT, when I hear about the wonderful activities your group does, I almost wish I lived in Chicago!

    1. You don’t have to live here, just come for a visit 😊

  2. Okay. It's a done deal. I'm coming to the show next year. It's a 5-hour drive, but give me the date as far in advance as possible and I will attend. Just need a hotel not too far from wherever the show is so I can crash after the show. And hopefully spend some time with you either before or after the show.

    This post makes me want to quit work and just sew!!!

  3. Thanks for sharing so honestly! I will try to profit from your advice of setting small daily goals. Do you have any advice on getting back on track when you skip your daily habits for whatever reason? I always seem to start great and then get sidetracked, and it is so hard to get back to the daily goals.
    About the amount of fabric, I am trying to go through my stash, and honestly look at how items made from the fabric would fit into my life. I am trying to keep only things for which I already have a pattern/garment in mind. It is sooo hard though. And when I am temped to buy more fabric, I think, "wait, this is the same feeling I had when I bought all those cuts that are now sitting in a bin!" So, I am forcing myself not to buy any more fabric until I get those fabrics sewn up or donated.
    Love your blog!

  4. Thanks Rhonda for your gracious comments ! It was such a thrill for me to meet you in person & I was truly star struck to meet you . The fashion show was everything & more -so much inspiration .
    Pleas keep up all the inspiration you personally provide 😘😘😘
