Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Wednesday, May 9, 2018

My Studio, and a Giveaway!

I can never buy another piece of fabric for the rest of my life!

I spent 3 hours in my studio yesterday afternoon clearing off shelves and organizing fabric. Here's the worst part of it, I am no where near finished!!! For quite some time, I have wanted to clean up and organize my studio. For far too long, I've gone from 1 project to the next without cleaning in between. 
I am beyond mortified to share the video below. You will see that even Gracie holds her head in shame. 

As I went through my fabric, I realized that I own some of the most amazing pieces. The idea of not buying fabric is heartbreaking, but what I have vowed to hold true to my goal, and not purchase anything until September 1st. At that point, I will assess how I am doing and go from there. That's 3 months, so that should give me plenty of time to begin to look into my soul and discover a little more about my obsession with fabric. Stay tuned for more posts on my progress. As some of you know, I have tried to set this as a goal in the past, and failed. This time I am taking a little different approach. Rather than try to find a huge block of time to clean, I am giving myself a small pocket of time each day. I had planned to only do an hour yesterday, but became immersed and just kept going. That's okay. Today I will may only do 30 minutes. 

Since the beginning of the year, I have had a goal to read through certain books of the Bible. The goal I set for myself was to read the books of Psalms, Proverbs, Song of Solomon, Job, Ecclesiastes, the books of Wisdom and Sirach(from the Catholic Bible), and finish out the year by reading through the New Testament. By setting small daily goals, I have finished Psalms, Proverbs, Song of Solomon, Ecclesiastes, Wisdom, and I am currently reading through Job. Now, reading books from the Bible is not for everyone, and I understand, but what I have learned from my goal is that by setting small daily goals, it adds up to big goals accomplished. It's just amazing! So, I am translating that same goal setting strategy to my studio space. 

Now for something fun!!!

Londa, of Londa's Creative Threads is sponsoring a give away here on the blog. Some of you have already purchased her Terrific T pattern, so whoever wins will have the opportunity to choose from her Terrific T

OR, her Trendy Tunic Tops pattern.

I will begin a new segment on the blog tomorrow on using a basic t-shirt pattern to create lots of fun tops. Londa's tee is perfect for this. But, if you've already purchased the t-shirt pattern, you can still enter the giveaway and try for the Trendy Tunics pattern. Very generous of Londa :)

To enter, just leave a message on this post. I will announce the winner next Wednesday, May 16, 2018.   

Good Luck!


  1. Yes, really looking at one's stash is both wonderful and deflating - deflating 'cos it's so large (never need to buy fabric again ever) but wonderful b/c here's all this fabric that you forgot you had, and it's all to your own taste and it's already paid for! I have not bought any fabric since last December and although it's difficult, my house is not magically expanding unfortunately so I must not acquire more stuff. Good luck!

  2. Don't feel bad, mine is worse. I have been collecting fabric and patterns for ages. When I start to straighten things, I get distracted by all the pretty colors and textures. How to you arrange your patterns? I have no real system and found several duplicates. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for all the inspiration.


  3. Good luck with your studio clean up. I always feel overwhelmed at first, but once I have my space organized, it is so refreshing! For the giveaway, I love the look of the Bias Overlays in the Trendy Tunic Tops pattern!!

  4. I feel your resource center pain. It is so easy to collect fabric. Good luck
    scaling down,

  5. Akin to how to eat an elephant (or something equally large) spoonful at a time.
    Hope to win the pattern and do some cleaning of my own.

  6. I don't know how many times I have said "NO MORE FABRIC", yet it still keeps coming into my house. I really have to start giving a bunch away again. I did buy the T's pattern. Would love the other one too.
    Hugs, Joy

  7. I would LOVE to get her tee pattern! And best of luck with your organizing. You will be so thrilled with it when it is done!

  8. Misery loves studio is smaller, but the mess is pretty much the same. I hope I can catch your cleaning energy!

  9. How exciting, I've been purchasing some pretty laces to make shirt and dress extenders and this would be perfect. Thank-you for the offer.

  10. Rhonda...I started tacking up my textile archives (fabric hoards) from the unfinished exposed wood when I was cleaning things out. It’s like wallpaper that is changeable and enticing and inspiring.

  11. Thanks to both of you for offering this giveaway of Londa's Terrific T!

  12. A pattern with talking directions - I'd love to try that!

  13. I too have a fabric obsession. Sometimes I think I just like owning the fabric and it doesn't matter if I ever make anything with it. But, I don't want to actually be like that. I have made a pledge to myself to not purchase any more fabric, until at the very least I have somewhere to put it. I have over 400 fabric lengths of one yard or more, plus several shelves of mostly shirts for upcycling. (Hangs head in shame.) Really, that is more fabric than one person needs for a lifetime. Some was bought when I didn't know anything, so isn't particularly useful now. I have further resolved to start making clothes from my fabric and to stop "saving it until I have lost weight". I do have it all organized and cataloged, so it is easy to refer to and decide what to use when I do decide to make something. I generally don't have a problem with my craft room being disorganized because I really can't work in a messy space. I actually completely put everything away after each project, even if I am going to be doing the same kind of project next. It keeps me fresh and focused and doesn't really take much time. Then I know that when I need a tool or supply, it will be right where it is supposed to be. Saves a lot of time in the long run. My husband does not do this, and I swear he spends half his time looking for stuff. Good luck with getting your studio whipped into shape. I am not good with the small steps - I should practice that attitude a bit more. I would probably get more done, and waste less time. I very much enjoy your blog - thank you for writing and sharing with us. Did I miss the shoes? I was looking forward to seeing them. I would love to make my own shoes!

    1. You didn’t miss the shoes 👟 I will post them on Friday 😊

  14. I am so with you on the fabric obsession! Since downsizing I have given myself one large Ikea Regissor cabinet for fabric storage. After a few recent fabric purchases (it was only $3/yd! how could I pass it up!) I realized that I have exceeded the capacity of my cabinet. I have to start using and stop buying!

  15. ...and cue Marcy Tilton email with a sale on sumptuous summer dress fabrics! Aiieee!

  16. I’m in and I love your blog!

  17. Oh I definitely need to do a fabric clear out... But I'm sure you can get there trying not to buy any fabric, especially if you've found some lovely pieces in the clear out!

    That giveaway looks lovely.

  18. Love your video of your sewing room! That's how my downstairs studio looks (paper crafting) that has taken a back seat while I am re-entering the sewing world! I should try your method of short cleaning/purging.... Love the idea of trying one of Londa's patterns as I am trying to get a handful of TNT patterns for sewing up quick outfits for work. Thanks for sharing your room and your sewing life with us!

  19. I am moving cross country so had to go through my 40+ years of collected fabric, embellishments, etc. Fortunately I found good homes for most of what I discarded. I feel your pain!

  20. I've gone 2 months without buying fabric. However, I'm now buying weaving yarn instead of fabric. I'm looking forward to making my own fabric again. Good luck with your new commitment. Teresa

  21. I understand your fabric fast! I found all kinds of forgotten fabrics and tools when I did a clean out of my sewing room. Happy hunting and here's to organization...while it lasts!

  22. I love Miss Londa.....
    I do not have her pattern and would to have it for a basic.
    Kathy Caddell

  23. Brave of you to show your studio in disarray. I need to sort mine out too! Looking forward to seeing your creations with the T/

  24. There is no need to be mortified. Creative people have so many ideas that it's hard to contain them!

  25. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway. Both patterns look like good basics to have.

  26. I know the pain! I have limited myself to only spending $100 a year for 4 years now. slowly using up the stash. Good LUCK! Stay Focused!

  27. Rhonda, don't feel bad about the condition of your sewing room, you are not alone. You ought to feel accomplished in that you are tackling it bit by bit. Your idea of doing little bits at a time is what I do and you are right, you do get things done. I would love a chance at the T-shirt pattern, thank you for the offer

  28. I also don't NEED.TO.BUY.ANYMORE.FABRIC! But I commit and then fall off the wagon! I so need to clean/organize my sewing room too. Maybe if I do it in small bits, like you describe, I would be more successful (or not! lol) Please, sign me up for the give-away. I don't have any of Londa's patterns, and I'm sure I need one!

  29. Thank you sew much for showing us your picture...I think I just might do this w/ 2 rooms & 2 big closets are full & I have already given bags & bags away...thanks again!

  30. Oh my, that's a lot of fabric, but totally understand the need for piles. I cleaned up my sewing room earlier this year and it took a while, but a little each day works! I really enjoy your blog! Thanks

  31. Hi Rhonda. I have become a sewing house rather than a sewing room as my "stuff" can be found in every room. Your plan to tackle it is small increments is something I recently started. Keeps me from getting overwhelmed. Good Luck

  32. Just think of your small bits of time like the tiny drips of water that wear deep grooves in giant rocks- each bit feels like it does little, but over time you can accomplish great things! And congratulations on your Bible reading success!

  33. You've mentioned this pattern series several times. I'd like to try one!
    And pleeeeeeeese tell us more about the FLOATY PANTS!

  34. Would love to win Londa's T pattern. Yes, please tell us about the floaty pants! I, too, am on a fabric diet! Need to spend more time sewing and less time buying!!

  35. I so appreciated your post today, Rhonda, as I've been doing the same thing in my life. I think you have a little more fabric than I do (ha!), but I bet you're not buried under books (my weakness). When I started organizing my craft room, the first thing I did was make some "bolt boards" out of foam board and put large pieces of fabric on them and put them on shelves (so I could actually see what I had). I invested in see-through plastic bins that I put in the closet and on top of my armoire for the rest of my tools, fabric, trims and cording, beads and findings, etc., and I labeled everything so I'd know what it was at a glance. Because I do so many different crafts (sewing, general crafting, rug hooking, weaving, making jewelry, embroidering, designing, knitting, etc.), having projects in one place with everything I need to do them has been the best time-saver ever. I use vintage Chinese wedding baskets (they have 2-3 layers) for embroidery, weaving, hand-sewing, applique, etc. At this point I have two big ones and several small ones. So I can just pick up the one that contains what I want to work on and everything is in the basket. Every basket has its own set of scissors, pins, etc. (Mary Corbet did a great post on organization at Needle 'n Thread about "no borrowing" from one basket to the next for projects, so I took her advice; she also shared the 15-minute tip: to stitch for at least 15 minutes a day, and I've been following that for a while now. It is surprising how much you can get done!) In the midst of all this organizing, I had a "come to Jesus" moment concerning my craft greediness, and (after repenting), I adopted the new mantra "Use what you have first," and I'm already feeling freer! As far as the books go, I already donated four boxes to a local fundraiser for women's scholarships, and for every book I bring into the house, I have to put one or two into a box to give away. AND, finally, and most important, I'm also reading through the Bible and reading the many spiritual books on my shelves (after a false start: I bit off more than I could chew and was trying to read too much initially, so was defeated--more isn't always better; I'm hoping for a more Lectio Divina pace now). Sometimes I only read a few pages but I'm striving forward. God is good--to challenge us with healthy balance and perspective in all the tangents of our lives, and to embrace creativity because of the One who made us. Thanks so much for sharing your life with us. It's always good to know, with any endeavor, that you're walking down the road with like-minded others, even in cyberspace!
    P.S. We found out a while ago that Tilly (our Little Bit) has numerous tumors in her little body. They aren't cancerous at this point, so our wonderful vet said we'll just keep watch. Tilly is still her delightful little self, a heartbeat at our feet. And my best buddy at the sewing table.

    1. Sweet Tilly 😊 Your thoughts on her bring back the sweet memories of Miss Little Bit’s final journey. At the time, it was heartbreaking to know that her time was drawing near, but, oh my, there were so many blessings. As much as my heart broke when I said goodbye, I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. She got to the point that she wouldn’t eat unless I held her food in my hand. I told the vet that at that point, if she wanted to smoke a cigarette, I’d light it for her 😉 What a blessing it was to make her final days as full of love as I could. You’ll never regret anything you do for Miss Tilly. My heart is with you ❤️

  36. Thank you for sharing the video. I'm in the same boat and it's nice to know I'm not alone. I have a small cramped sewing room but I'm glad to have a dedicated space and I am really trying to use up a good portion of my stash this year.

  37. It's tough to admit, but I have the same fabric obsession. I have more than I'll ever be able to sew and I always want more. Good for you for making it a goal and working daily on your organizing. Every little bit helps and you'll be amazed at what's been done when it's all back together! I'm interested in the Terrific T pattern and would love to make a few for myself.

  38. Despite the sewing room turmoil you always look elegant!

  39. You are NOT the only one who sewing area has gotten away from them... I want to start projects but my small area is too stuffed. I am not buying anymore fabric :) but would love to try a new pattern!

  40. So glad to know I'm not the only one! Um, I really don't remember the last time my sewing nook was clean. 2009 comes to mind, just before I started sewing for the Actor's freshman year high school musical (Pippin - the year of lame' shirts). Don't think it's truly been clean since. It's on my List of Things to Do this year, and, like you, I've come to the conclusion that I'm not going to get a chunk of time to thoroughly clean it. It's going to have to be done a bit at a time...

  41. A bit at a time is a good mantra for many things -- my garden at the moment (weeding and planting), sewing, other hobbies. I also find I function better if my space is organized. I do like the look of both (new to me) patterns. Lyn

  42. Hi Rhonda, I'm currently trying to organise a local giveaway of some fabric and its proving hard! Wishing you well in this activity. I have found the Stash Shrinker spreadsheet really helpful
    as was getting a new fabric cupboard, emptying the old shelves and choosing the pieces I loved the most to go back on it.
    I would love to be in the draw for Londa's Tee.
    Thanks Ruthie

  43. Glad to know I'm not the only one that gets messy during the process. Would love to win a pattern, I've not seen the Londa's t-shirt. Looks a great pattern to own. Take care, Joyce

  44. Good luck with your fabric embargo, and thanks for the giveaway!

  45. Good luck with your fabric embargo, and thanks for tbe giveaway!

  46. I share your problem. I have a large stash, inherited my mom's and got lots of hand me downs from an auntie. Now, just as I am trying to cut down, my dad gave me a big gift certficate to the local fabricland.

  47. Your studio looks like a fantastic space - no wonder you're so creative. But, the bigger the space, the bigger the mess I suppose. Thanks for showing though.

  48. I have just pulled out all the fabric I had stored in just one closet. My goal is to make a few things from what I pulled and then donate what I don't love anymore. Then on to the next hidey hole of stored fabric.

  49. Thank you for sharing your studio mess and your plans for tackling it! It’s a relief to know others share in the creative mess making! Also thanks for the giveaway!

  50. Thanks for the give away. I have been testing a number of different tee patterns trying to find that perfect one and would love to try Londa's. Have to say that my tee shirt quest is helping to sew down the stash!

  51. I don't know a single sewer who doesn't have a good stash of fabrics. It's just how we work!

  52. Oh Rhonda, thanks so much for sharing pics of your sewing studio. That took courage. But "great minds" - for I have been cleaning and sorting my space for 2 days. I cringe at pics but might consider it as it seems to be a healing process. I only got the big pic organized and have yet to do the details but at least I can walk into my space now. I ask myself - how do I let it get this way - usually with good or bad behavior there is a reward but I cannot figure out other than the shame (and who likes that) or the pride upon completion and the determination to maintain so I'm going for that outcome. What forced me to take and hard look at myself was my cousin asking to come for a visit and would I show her my machine and what it can do. Yea gads, that would mean we would have actually enter my space !!! Well, her first words were "you have the perfect sewing space" Music to my ears and wiping the sweat from my brow, I said a quiet "thank you". So I am on a self imposed no fabric and no pattern purchase for also 3 months. But I can accept freebee's and give aways ----so, I'm hoping !!. Thanks for listening and I love sewing, love the process and love going to your website for such great inspiration. Peace !!

  53. I also like the method of short little goals to meet a larger one. A little sewing every day, 20 minutes spent gardening, it all adds up and larger goals are met. I hope you are able to create some order in the studio. I look forward to hearing about your progress!
    Both patterns look wonderful - thank you for the giveaway opportunity!

  54. This post makes me realize I'm not alone. I have a large stash and little time to sew. For now, I'm trying to not purchase anything I do manage to make and use up my stash. Sometimes that works, other times I give in and purchase. Sigh. I'm not familiar with Londa's patterns and love the different looks of her t-shirts. And I'm off to explore her site, now.

  55. I looked at my stash last night and promised that she and I will have a meeting soon in the very near future to discuss better storage conditions, LOL ... FIESTA :)

  56. What a delight to re-discover the beautiful fabrics in your stash. You'll have so much fun shoping in your own sewing room this summer :)

  57. I would love to try the tee pattern. Fabric sales keep adding to the stash.

  58. WOW - you are so blessed to have such a huge sewing space. If you could see the space I have - you would laugh, it is so small. I don't have a cutting table, because I couldn't fit it in my space. I have to use the kitchen floor. I am so envious when I see other sewers with these mammoth spaces. Sigh!! Looking forward to seeing your video when you are all organized.

  59. I am so glad your room looks like this. Mine needs major reorganization and sorting too. I heard years ago that creative people are rarely tidy. Sometimes I can't find the thing I know I need because it is lost in the piles. I formerly had a drapery workroom business with a 60"x144" padded table and everything ends up stacked there or shoved into my room. I'm at the clean and purge point with my room. Sort out what to keep, what to sell, what to donate and what to throw away. I work full time outside the home and it is hard to find time to be inspired and sew when everything is overwhelming. Sometimes I go months without touching my machines, but I have made 8 projects in the last two weeks. I want to be able to just sit down and make a project from start to finish without shifting piles around.

    It would be great to win the pattern. It could help me use up some of my stash.

  60. I feel your organization pain. I can hardly stand to be in my studio, but when i'm there, there's so much neat stuff to play with....sigh. Thanks for the giveaway.

  61. I’m on the same path. Two weeks ago I pulled everything out of the closet, added more shelves (which I had on hand from somewhere years ago) and I’ve been thinking through and putting things away. I stop by the room every so often and just pick up a few things to sort through or put away and usually end up working longer than I planned. Like you, I could probably sew for years and not need any more fabric.

    My motivation to get it all back in place and finished is simple... I need to put it all away to get access to my sewing machine! Rather than worrying to much and feeling shame over the state of the room, I’m forgiving myself for past decisions, donating or sharing things I can.

    I think one reason I accumulate fabric and patterns is that I see potential in everything! Like that pattern is going to be perfect for everything I’ll ever need again. Or, I’ll make 100 pillowcase# to donate to charity. But when I’m going through and organizing I’m setting myself up for overwhelm by buying more and more.

    Nice to share with others in the same struggle.

  62. oh I would love for directions or video on this top you made...I love it...

  63. I also really need to clean up my sewing area -- it is in complete disarray at the moment, hard to get the sewing mojo going when you can't find anything! But I've been putting it off since it seems like such a huge job. I'll have to take a page from your book and just do a bit at a time. Thanks for sharing the patterns as well, I've never heard of this designer before!

  64. One of my 2018 resolutions is to shop my stash until all of it gets used. It might take years! But the idea of using something you once bought with great intentions and not allowing it to become clutter is liberating! Thanks for both the great post and the giveaway! Even if I don't win, you made me need to try one of Londa's patterns :p

  65. Our sewing guild just had a destash sale which helped immensely with all involved to purge fabrics and notions and other sewing items. It was a consignment sale so we took home 80% and the guild took home 10% and the church's youth group where we held the event earned the other 10%. Of course all the ladies who contributed also bought as well!!! I tried to not buy any fabric as a new year's resolution and that just did not happen! I have started to look at fabric with a purpose in mind and not just because it's a good deal or is really cute. I think in some way all sewists are messy in some way during the creating process. I know I am!

  66. do you ever find anything-haha! I put mine in see thru bins as soon as I buy fabric but still it does get into the sewing area and I can't find what I want because I have too many unfinished project going!!
    ohhh the life of a 'fabri-holic! Gracie will never show her buddies your sewing room-I am sure! hahaha

  67. Please enter me in your give-way----I NEED more projects!!

  68. I need to organize too. I am sewing more from my stash, so the t shirt pattern would certainly help me get though some of my knits.

  69. I'm in the same boat. We moved 5 years ago, did not have time to sort anything. My sewing room in the old house was 2-3 times bigger than in the newer one, with a tiny closet. We put in some Ikea storage in the closet, but I have so much fabric it didn't fit. And, like others, have inherited my mother's stash, etc. I've been making flannel pjs for the grandkids since they were 2 - they are now 20. So, flannel leftovers abound. Finally am using them to make quilts with a group, to send to NCIUs, organizations supporting abused children, etc. The pile is going down, I have a deadline of end of June - either it is used up or it goes . I would love to have that tee shirt pattern. After end of June, and a big cleanout, I will be sewing for myself......again. Thanks -- I enjoy your blog

  70. Lots of reasons (excuses) for my sewing room mess (it looks like a hoarder resides in there). Flannel leftovers from 20 years of making pjs for the grandkids contribute -- finally joined a quilt group, we make small quilts for organizations that help abused children, baby-sized ones for NCIUs and larger ones for Beds for Kids. The flannel stash is going down - have given myself an end-of-June deadline - whatever is left goes (but not in the trash...). Then, I want to get back to sewing for myself, which is where that tee-shirt pattern could be handy - hope I win!

  71. I suggest never going to estate sales that mention "Fabric" or even better Material" as that would be even older. Plus they might have patterns and notions which we all do not need. But I would like to have the free pattern from Londa!

  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. Either of those patterns would be great!

    Good idea on the small goals. I get horrified by the large ones "KNOW" I'll never finish, and then am defeated before I even begin. I just have to celebrate the completion of the small goals and not beat myself up for "only" doing that one little bit when there is SO MUCH to do. Ugh.

  74. Also, I love that you have a Studio Pooch. :) And my studio is definitely worse. I also have a beading hobby and a spinning hobby. Lots of stash, projects, books, patterns etc. Out.of.Control.

  75. Good luck with your organising and your fabric fast. I'm really struggling with having too much of everything and being able to find nothing! I need to do something more than I'm doing to solve this.

  76. I'm glad I organized my small sewing room earlier this year. Still needs to be organized but at least I'm at the part where I can decide what to keep and what to give away/donate. I love Londa's pattern so here's hoping I'll win! Thanks, Lamar Mendiola from Texas

  77. The solution to my enormous fabric stash was to downsize from a 2 storey house to a 2 bedroom now spending endless hours searching for fabric “I know I have” but not anymore! All the best in your efforts.

  78. Thanks so much for this video, Rhonda. Having moved just 5 days ago the chaos and disorganization in my new space is horrendous, embarrassing, frustrating and just awful. I am a very organized person who doesn't sew until her room is spotless. It will be a while. While I have my sewing obsession, I got rid of much before moving and really downsized the lot. But when your children are moving box after box into the sewing space in your new home to the point of "I can't believe this", it is embarrassing. The good news is , like you, I am finally at a point where I can tackle and today I am! Pots and pans, and clean towels had more priority. Four days to find a can opener! Anyhoo, I am dealing with it, have a large new space and enjoying the organization. We will have to compare notes when done!

  79. I just found your blog, and I can tell I'm going to love it! I met Londa once at a sewing expo in Chicago, and I'd be happy to have the pattern. Thanks!

  80. I think that fabric obsession goes hand in hand with sewing for most of us. I'm sure if I had the space, my stash could get to the same level. Thank goodness for small Chicago apartments! Even though it's not reached the same proportion as yours, I too am on a "buy only if absolutely necessary" fabric diet. I have some beautiful options already that seem to get pushed aside for the newer additions.

  81. Like so many, I would love the pattern. :) I have a very large stash that I dearly would like the time to sew through. I've been waiting for life to become just a little more sane, but I'm beginning the realize that I have to start now or I may never make anything again. Give this situation, I really appreciate your small chunks approach.

  82. I am always amazed at how much I can get done using short bursts of focused attention. Keep up the great work!
