Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Thursday, June 23, 2016

The Papercut Patterns Soma Swimsuit Sew Along/Adding Bra Cups

This week's sew along post for the Papercut Patterns Soma Swimsuit primarily covers adding bra cups. In my opinion, a suit just looks better with bra cups, but then, that is my opinion :) 

We also go over the super simple method of lining the bottom of the suit. You are going to love this step as the bottoms are sewn together and lined all at the same time! 

As you'll see in the post, the first trick to setting in the bra cup is to make sure that the cup does not flatten out while pinning it in to the lining.

After the cup is pinned in, it's just a matter of a simple zigzag stitch around the edge of the cup. You can see the entire post HERE.

Adding cups to the suit is one of those steps that gives your garment a polished look. Again, in my opinion :)

The final post will be all about elastic. There's quite a bit of elastic in the Soma Swimsuit! We'll go over setting in the elastic around the leg opening and how to get that smooth look in the front and the cupping that is needed in the back.

Happy Swimming!

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