Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Sunday, June 26, 2016

Sunday Night Reflections

At age 20, 
we worry about what others think of us. 
At 40, 
we don't care what they think of us. 
At 60, 
we discover they haven't been thinking of us at all. 
Ann Landers

Thoughts to ponder;
Why Dressing Up Is The Secret To Happiness 


  1. Thanks Rhonda, this really made me smile. So true 😃

    1. I experienced it when I was turning 40. I took a friend with me to buy a new ski jacket. Prior to this shopping excursion, I always bought cute little jackets. As I looked through the jackets, I commented that I wanted a longer jacket that coverer my bottom as I was tired of being cold. My friend said, "yep, you're turning 40!" I cared more about being warm than showing my figure ;) ...and I've been warm ever since :)
