Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Sunday, December 20, 2015

Sunday Night Reflections

Tonight, I thought I would share a story.

Over the past week, as I've thought about the possibility of saying goodbye to my little dog, I've remembered some of our favorite times and some of my favorite stories.
When we would be in Galveston, Texas, an island off the coast of Texas, quite often, I would take Little Bit to the beach to run. There is a beach near the end of the island that is like the moon, just a wide open expanse of sand and water. During the winter months, the beach is basically abandoned, so I could let her go and run to her heart's content. She would run so fast, and so far until she looked like a small little black dot. Then she would turn around and the little black dot would grow larger as she ran back to me. All the while, her tongue hanging out of her mouth, and I swear, a smile on her face.
One day, a car drove up on the beach, but came to a stop when they saw her running. The passenger door opened, and very slowly a man stepped out of the car. Every step and movement was labored and difficult. He held on to the side of the car as he moved toward the front. I could see that he had cerebral palsy.
For a moment, he stood still and just watched as Little Bit ran, running into waves and chasing birds. He then yelled over to me with a big smile on his face and said, "isn't it wonderful to just watch her run?!!" He really wasn't looking for an answer, as he quickly turned and continued to enjoy watching her run about. I just stood there, grateful that I had the opportunity to watch this man find so much joy in the simple running of a dog. 
As I watched the man watch Little Bit, I thought about how difficult his life must be, how easy it would be for him to be angry, at God, the world, just life in general. But there was no trace of anger in his spirit, just a pure sense of joy in this very simple moment.

I've thought so often of this man and the lessons he taught me that day. First, although I may not be able to do something, I can still find joy and happiness for others who can. And second, keep my eyes open and never be in such a hurry that I miss seeing beauty, even if it's just watching a little dog run.


  1. Dear Rhonda I am so sorry to hear about your little dog. How wonderful they are - creatures that seem to exist to love and be loved by us. But sometimes their lives are shorter than we would wish. If that is so for your Little Bit I hope that you can gain some comfort from knowing the wonderful life you have given her.

    1. Thank you Anne. I have been a mess this past week. Even started crying during mass, but where better to cry? :) My husband likes to give me a hard time about how I spoil my pups. I reply, " their little lives are so short. They should just be happy."

  2. My heart goes out to you! Thank you for sharing your memory of Little Bit running on the beach. Little Bit gave a beautifully memory to the man watching, and how many people have now been blessed by your memory!!!

    1. Thank you Judi :) I was granted such an incredible gift when this little dog came into my life. At the moment, she is holding her own. We'll see what the next few days bring. Regardless of what it when it happens, and how much it hurts, I would do it all over life has been so enriched and I am so happy to be able to pass along at least a little something to others.

  3. Thank you so much for sharing this moment of bittersweet joy. Yes, let us all try to see the joy in the every day.

    1. Thank you for your note :) I'm so happy to know that our little story has touched you as well.

  4. What a beautiful, touching story. Losing a dog is so hard, as they become so intertwined in our hearts.

    1. Thank you so much :) We are not out of the "dog house" yet, but she is doing a little better. I'm just so grateful for the time I've had with her. They are all so special, but this one has been my soulmate.

  5. Thank you for sharing your beautiful story, Rhonda.

  6. What a lovely experience! One that definitely warms my heart. No matter how many times we have to say good-bye to our special friends, the hurt is just as great. So happy she has, and right now, continues to bring you love and joy. I hope she continues to improve so you both can share each other for more days/weeks/months.

  7. How they grow into our hearts and remain there for an eternity. Such wonderful furkids and then they grow old and look to us all their life for help, but yet if need be they will be our guardians. Blessings be that Little Bit has a couple of more good years with you (it hurts the heart so badly when they go to the Rainbow Bridge).

  8. I'm sorry to hear your dog is ailing. Always such a sad time, as these little creatures are our soul mates.

    1. Thank you Sarah. As of last night, she seems to have turned the corner. We'll see if she will continue. Fingers crossed :)

  9. I cannot "like" this story big enough!

  10. Our pets bring unimaginable joy and we don't realize it until we see just how short and fragile their lives are and it is our responsibility to protect them. Rhonda I got the "doggie warriors" praying for Little Bit

  11. Beautiful story and lesson. Thank you, Rhonda.

  12. Oh Rhonda what a lovely story, thank you for sharing it, and what a snapshot of the love and joy Little Bit has brought you and everyone who crossed paths with her. I so hope that she is on the mend - I am thinking of you especially this holidays.
