Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Master Sewing and Design Certification Program

I did it!!!!!I took the textile test for the Fabric Module and.........
I PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  
I had planned to take the test a few weeks ago, but once I received the information about how to take the test, I was dealing with the eye infection I had recently. It was difficult to concentrate on a screen for any length of time, so I postponed it until my eye was once again nice and strong.
To be honest, I was feeling intimidated, worried, and anxious, but I decided to just hold my nose and take the plunge. So last night after dinner, I sat down, logged in and started the test. You are given 2 hours to take the test and there are 125 questions. The test is open book, it may as well be as it would be difficult to monitor it if it weren't. Claire Shaeffer's book, Fabric Sewing Guide was incredible.
I love this book and it is one that I am now VERY happy to have in my sewing library. You can find it here on Amazon. I used the book exclusively except for the two times that I did a Google search. 
To be honest, I was a bit disappointed with my score. I scored 91.2% out of 100. Hey, it's passing and in the old grading system it would at least be a B. I just really wanted to score 100%. 
If you are thinking about working through the Master Sewing and Design Certification Program, I recommend starting with this module. It's very straight forward. There were only a couple of questions that I thought were a bit tricky, but nothing that would keep you from passing the test.
So, I now feel energized and excited about moving forward. One module down and 6 to go!!! 


  1. Congratulations!

  2. ah Rhonda aka the Queen of Sleeves, I'd love to know what you think of Guy Laroches latest release in the Vogue patterns - Fall 2014 collection :)

    1. Good Morning!!
      You know, I need to look at it again. When I initially saw the pattern, I was a little shocked as it looked very difficult for anyone to wear. Then I went back and took a look at the line drawing and it made a little more sense. I still think it would be difficult for most to wear, but I am a little intrigued by it too.

    2. That's exactly what I think. Did you notice that the model never has her arms down the sides? Plus I can't imagine how they look after wearing a coat or jacket (it's a Fall pattern after all...)

    3. Yes, I too noticed the arm on the hip trick :) As overpowering as the sleeve is, somehow I feel that there is some salvation for it. I may try drafting a toned down version of it to see what I think

    4. Yeah yeah yeah !!! Please do :) I imagine it shaped a little like a circle ruffle...

  3. Excellent! On to the next one.

  4. Congratulations :) is this program all done on line? I will go read up on it :)

    1. Thanks Ann :)
      Most of the work is hands on. You're sent a notebook with all the guidelines for each module. There are 7 modules in total, illustration, textiles, design and so on. You are on your own to work through each module. Once finished, the module is sent in to be critiqued. They can be done in any order and you have 2 years to complete the program.

  5. Congratulations. It sounded really hard. Upwards and onwards! xx

  6. Awesome! Congratulations!

  7. hip,hip hooray !!! So glad you passed. As adults we are so hard on ourselves so in my book a 91..2% is simply grand. Keep up the good work !!

    1. Thanks Kathy :) I was hard on myself in 1st grade!! So nothing new :)

  8. Congratulations on a job well done. We all knew you would pass with no problem! Looking forward to hearing more about this program in the future.

  9. Yay! Well done.

  10. Congrats to you Rhonda! (You sound like my daughter with her marks! "I failed." In the end,,A+,,what a woman she has become!)

  11. Congratulations - happy dance going on in Sydney.

    Not happy with 91.2%!!!!!!!!!!! You are an overachiever! Great job.

  12. Hooray - congratulations! Great to have one module under your belt. I love the Fabric Sewing Guide too. We have a link for Claire's book on the ASDP website, too - and we get a percentage back from all purchases at when you go there through our site. Betcha didn't know that!

    1. No, I had no idea :(, but I will check it put. Thanks for letting me know.

  13. Congratulations! So proud of you, and not at all surprised except that you didn't make 100%. (-:

    Hugs, Joy

  14. Congratulations! I also love theFabric Sewing guide, so much information in it. Good luck for the other 6 modules.

  15. Never had any doubts - well done. I hope you are enjoying learning.

  16. Hi Rhonda, Haven't been here for months. Turns out to be the perfect day for me to stop by. Congrats on your test result! Do you know the topic of the next module?

    1. Hi Sandra!!! So happy you stopped by :)
      I am working on a few at the same time actually, but I would like to get the Business Practices module knocked out. The other 2 that I am working on are Garment Construction and Pattern Development.

  17. So happy for you! That is a GREAT score! you are always so hard on yourself, we see you as so perfect.

    You should do something nice for yourself to celebrate!

    1. I am doing something nice for myself, I'm coming to see you!!!

  18. WHOO HOO....congrats and great job!!!!

  19. Impressive Rhonda! I'm so enjoying your adventures. Congratulations and happy sewing.

  20. Well done Rhonda!

  21. But of COURSE you passed! Big congrats! :D

  22. Congratulations on your huge achievement. I knew you would nail it.
