Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Sewing Indie Month, Be A Pattern Hacker

I have a very nice surprise for you today, so be sure to read to the end :)
Over the last few weeks, I've thought a lot about pattern hacking, redesigning, chopping, whatever you would like to call it, primarily because I have a pile of patterns I have been commissioned to hack for Sewing Indie Month!! So, what does it take to make a pattern your own? As you saw last week with the top I did from Soma Patterns,
the change can be very, very simple like adding a triangular shaped sleeve.
You may remember the dress I did last summer,
that started with Butterick 5678. Of course, this was much more involved, but lots of fun and even more fun to wear!!! 
I did lots of hacks to that simple shirt pattern. If you would like to scroll through and see the many faces of Butterick 5678, click here.
A little more inspiration can be found with all the posts I've done on sleeve drafting. Here's a link to my Pinterest Sleeve Page,
The sleeve below was drafted from the free t-shirt pattern offered by Deer and Doe. You can find the instructions on how to draft this sleeve here,
Deer and Doe is not a part of Sewing Indie Month, but to refresh your memory, here's the list;

A number of the companies have free patterns, so be sure to take a look.

Now for the surprise!!!!!
This week's hack will be a pair of pants from Sewn Square One.
You may be wondering what in the world I could do with a pair of pants. Well, you'll have to come back by tomorrow to see, but I think that what I've done is rather cute if I say so myself :) I will tell you that my pants have a very different look, and yet, the change was nothing earth shaking. You'll see!!!!
Okay, finally, the good news!!! Elizabeth was so very generous to offer a free pattern to my readers!!!!! If you would like a chance to win your own copy of her Paper Bag Pant pattern, just leave a message on this post. You'll only have a few days to enter as I would like to get the pattern out as soon as possible so whoever the winner is will have a chance to make the pattern up during Sewing Indie Month. Get Ready, Set, Go!!!! I'll announce the winner Friday morning. That's this Friday morning, May 16, 2014!!!!!!!
If by chance you've already hacked a pattern and would like to link it up for a chance to win the prizes that I announced on May 1st, see this post and link away,  You'll find the link button just under the list of prizes.  
Happy Hacking!      


  1. Love the paper bag pants pattern. I am in desperate need of summer pants and this will fit the bill

    1. It really will fit the bill. The pants are loose fitting so they will work great in a lightweight gauze, or anything cool and comfortable for summer. Good luck!!

  2. Cute Pants. I am curious what changes you have done.

  3. Very cute and the waist treatment might give me an illusion of having a waist!

  4. I like the pants, especially the waist treatment - might give me the illusion of having a waistline!

  5. I can't wait to see what you have done with the pants, it looks like an interesting pattern :)

  6. I love paper bag waists! Can't wait to see what you do with them.

  7. Love the pattern -- looking forward to seeing your version!

  8. I couldn't imagine what you were going to hack with these - love the drawstring ankle! Cleverness.
