Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Sunday, September 1, 2013

Javie Does Ten

Before I left on my vacation, I made this little video of the pillowcases that Javie of sent to me for the Mary Bridge Children's Hospital Pillowcase Project. At this point we have......................................drum roll..........................................................
640 pillowcases!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can you believe it?!!! This number includes my commitment of 200. We are almost there!! Only 260 more needed to reach the goal of 900. 
This week I will be posting all the pillowcases that have come in while I was away, so there will be a pillowcase post everyday. Once I've posted all the donations that I received, I will do the big hanging of the 450 for the half way mark. My pilot friend is comping at the bit to do this flight and photograph the pillowcases. I think it will be a spectacular sight.  
Below is a picture of the lovely pillowcases that Javie made,  
and here is the little video that I made. I learned something by doing this video. I have a tendency to raise my voice at the end of my sentences, not a good thing, so I'm happy that I had the opportunity to make the video and learn a little something about my speech pattern. If you do take a moment to look at the video, I hope that I don't irritate you too much. I'll get better :-)

If by chance you are new to the blog and just finding out about this project, the pillowcases are as I said earlier, for the Mary Bridge Children's Hospital in Tacoma, Washington. Each child that is admitted to the hospital is given a special pillowcase. They find that a simple pillowcase helps to lift spirits and brings color into an all to white and scary environment. If you think that you might like to contribute to the project, here is a link to the simplified instructions I did to make the pillowcases . I believe in the motto of "there is strength in numbers," so if you feel that you can do just one pillowcase, it will be greatly appreciated.
Yesterday I sat and counted the pillowcases and just felt so overwhelmed by the generosity of so many ladies from all over this incredible world. I believe that with the pillowcases that we are all making, we will have the opportunity to hold a child's head in our heads and in a small way help in their healing. My heartfelt thanks.


  1. Rhonda, Your video came out great! I just put up a blog post about your project, so expect more pillowcases, plus, oh BTW, I've completed 6 and plan to make a few more. :)

    1. Thanks so much Sandra!!! Like I said, I'm happy that I did the video because I can see where I need to work on my delivery. The next one will be better, I hope anyway:)

  2. Dear Rhonda! I am so happy that this project is coming to completion is the final number of pillowcases. You are great and is doing a great job! I enjoy these posts! Congratulations from a place far, far away in the land ... but very close to the heart.

  3. Thanks Rhonda! Once I got up and going, it was so much fun to make these pillowcases. It went together pretty easily. I made them all on my sewing machine (didn't have the colors needed for my serger)but I imagine it would really fast on a serger. Congrats on reaching 640!You'll hit 900 soon!
