Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Thursday, December 20, 2012

Christmas Creatures

It all began with an ornament, my nemesis. Someone, I think an old girlfriend, had given my husband this little ornament,

A skier made from clothespins. He loved it. So began my 26 year quest to trump that ornament. I bought ski ornament after ski ornament. Each year when the ornaments came out I would ask which was his favorite. To no avail, it was always the clothespin guy.  Urgh!!!

Two years ago, still determined, I made this little guy, skier dude. You can see the post and more pictures here.

He loved it! Finally, I was successful. So began a new tradition. Rather than buying an ornament, I've been making them from all the bits and pieces I collect on my travels.

 Last year I made a wacky Rudolph out of pine cones, sticks, seed pods and acorn caps.

He's a skier who is completely out of control, a little like my husband at times.

I even found some seeds that had a furry sprout to them and made a furry tail.

The first year I thought that I would not be able to top what I made, but when I finished Rudolph, I loved him more than the skier dude. Now the challenge was on for this year.

And here's my little creature, a troll of sorts. His face is made from a walnut shell that I found. The body is made from a black walnut and the hat is of course an acorn cap. The scarf is a piece of wool I had left over.

His shoes are tiny little seed pods that look like pine cones. His sticks are the stem from some very large leaves I collected for an arrangement. When I cut the stems off the leaves, I realized that they had a wonderful cup to the end. Hey, ski poles!!

 We ski every chance we get, but we manage to get in a little snowshoeing as well. So rather than skis, he has snowshoes made from pine cones.

 I just love his quirky little attitude. He is my favorite...for now!

My little family of Christmas Creatures.
I told my husband that I had finished his ornament and I'm so excited that it's killing me to wait to give it to him. But Christmas will arrive quickly and probably, a little too quickly!


  1. lolol. These are so fantastic!!! I love the whimsy and what touching love tokens.

    1. They make me laugh too shams ;) it's amazing how they take on such a personality.

  2. What a wonderful collection of creatures! And what a talent to see the possibilities in such bits and pieces of nature.

    1. Thanks Irene. I just love the beauty of nature. I collect all types of seeds and make what I call seed balls. So I usually have a good bit of nature on hand and it makes it easy to create.

  3. SO adorable!!!!! (yes, multiple exclamation points adorable!!!!)

    1. Jilly, I am like a little child. I put the little troll together this morning and I have been itching to share it with somebody. Thanks Jilly;)

  4. Rhonda, your handmade ornaments are precious! The newest one reminds me of an armadillo on skis (not a common occurrence, mind you, as we don't get much snow down here...) and I love his scarf!!

    I hope you and your husband have a wonderful Christmas.

  5. I just love the little troll. And the little story. Merry Christmas!

  6. Oh, darling! you are so creative! I am also an advocate of recycling, and this idea is totally cool, because it combines also the plus of them be memories of your travels, Wow! You are amazing! Merry Christmas!!

  7. Had to stop by to comment - I love these "nature" ornies! Good job, you have so much creativity in everything you do!

  8. I love them all! Especially your wee troll from the walnut shell and what a wonderful idea to do this every Christmas ...Merry Christmas!

  9. Each one has its own personality! Do they have names?

    Happy Holidays to you and your husband.

    1. No names. Maybe I should name them. Wishing you a very Happy New Year!
