Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Friday, November 9, 2012

Fabulous Free Pattern Friday

This week's pattern is really a repeat of last week's pattern. I thought I would show you how it looks when not on such a full skirt.
Last week's skirt with an elastic waist. All pieces are rectangles.
This week I took my basic skirt sloper and made 4 "legs" rather than the 2 on last week's skirt.
 Above you can see how the skirt looks before the rectangle is added to the bottom of the skirt.
 A side view.
For the lower rectangle, I did the stripe in the horizontal direction. I really like it. I plan on wearing the skirt tomorrow, so I should have pictures of myself in the skirt. I really like the skirt a lot!
For something a little more sculptural, I did another straight skirt and only added the extension to the center back.
For the basic instructions of the skirt, you can see them all here.
I've had a good time with this shape. It's fun to play around with it. I did figure out one other little gimmick that was rather fun. When I get it together, I'll be sure to give you a look.


  1. O.K.. Now I get it. I really couldn't quite see it from your first post. Well done, Rhonda.

  2. Ooh...OH! Lightbulb- I'm there. Love it!
