Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Thursday, November 8, 2012

A Gift From Paco!!!

I've been excited for weeks now! A message from Paco came to my inbox, he wanted to know if I would test his two new patterns. Would I?!!! Of course, of course, of course!!!!!!!!!! So for the past few weeks, I have been sitting on pins and needles(I'm usually sitting on pins and needles as I need to clean my studio!!!), waiting for the package to arrive.
I just arrived last night!! I'm so excited.
Inside were his two new patterns, the Apron skirt and the Treky top. Yea! I just can't wait to get started, but it will have to wait until this weekend. Next week I'll have lots of information about the patterns. In the meantime, if you would like to see them made up before I get to mine, Ruth of did a post on her Treky top here, and the Apron skirt here.
I'll be back later today with my latest post on Jenny's Jacket.


  1. Can't wait to see your versions, Rhonda! I absolutely love Paco's patterns!

  2. What smart-looking styles. I too anxiously await your take on them. Martha

  3. Wow! Love the skirt and can't wait to see how the dress comes out!

  4. I loved Rhonda's versions so I know you versions will be smashing too.

  5. Looking forward to seeing what you do with the skirt pattern. Ruth's version looks gorgeous. The overall shape is great and the seaming really nice. I'm just not so sure on the "apron" - If I were to make it - and I'm sure I shall - I think I would omit the apron. BUT I'll reserve judgement until I see what you come up with!
    PS Think I feel another blog post coming on,but perhaps I should pace myself a little - might just be a momentary giddiness from all the enabling that's going on!

  6. Riuth's are so cool- I can't wait to see your spin on them!

  7. Can't wait to see your version too. Still have to make my own
