Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Fabulous Free Pattern Friday

If I don't get myself back on schedule, no one is ever going to know which day it is! Thankfully, things seem to be returning to normal. No more trips to the hospital. That was one week ago today. Looking back on the situation, it's now a little funny. Not at all funny that day of course, but thankfully, things in retrospect have a way of taking on a different perspective.
This piece is a real tablecloth, a square vintage tablecloth that was used on card tables for bridge parties. But you don't need a square tablecloth to make this little jacket. A square piece of fabric or a large square scarf will work beautifully as well.
My square measures 40" x40".  
There is a semblance of a collar on one side. This is the piece that was cut out of the center to make the opening,
and it covers up some small age holes.
Begin by folding your square in half. 
Find the center.
Measure over 2" on either side of center and draw in a line that will extend up to about an inch away from the fold. Because this will be going around your neck, you will want to curve the line as you see above and below.   

Take the piece that you cut from the middle and cut off the curved edge. You will need to finish off the edge. Seam binding was used on this piece. You can see in the above picture that the extra piece was folded over and then laid against the front edge. Once this was done, seam binding was sewn all the way around the edge.
The side of the square was sewn up 10" and the rest is open for the arm to go through. This seam is 2" in from the edge.  Seam binding was sewn over the stitching line for a decorative touch.
I think it's a rather nice way to use some of those old tablecloths that are not so practical for today's use. 
The embroidery is so pretty and it's a shame to see them  languish is a drawer. So easy to do. A great gift item as well.
Hope you are all having a wonderful day!


  1. I love this one! A very elegant, yet fun, creative look - and it looks great on you!

  2. Very creative use of a tablecloth. I'd have never thought of it. Nice...,

  3. That is really lovely. It's a great little cover up too. Beautiful embroidery, I agree too pretty to put in a drawer, or even play card on! Much better use.
