Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Thursday, July 26, 2012

Learn To Slipcover

A few weeks ago I showed you this little rocker and said that I would be making a slipcover for it and that it would be part of a gift I made to the zoo for the ball's silent auction.
This little slipcover kicked me hard, but...I did get it finished and I think it is so cute. Well, was cute as it no longer belongs to me. Yea!   

I piped the chair in the vintage check that I had and trimmed the hem in it as well.
You can see the check here in the quilt.
So the night of the ball finally arrived and Raggedy Ann and Andy sat proudly on the rocker with the quilt along side them.
The best part of it all is that there was more than one bidder, the lot went home with someone and the zoo received a nice little donation. 
Now I had said that I would show you my process, but I had to go back and look at the video, yes a VHS video, so many times that I will direct you to the person who taught me how to make the slipcover. Her name is Karen and her company is I took her class quite a few years ago so I had forgotten a lot of information.
If you think that you would like to do a slipcover, go to her website and there you'll find a much more updated DVD, not the old VHS tape like I have.
A before picture,
and after the new slipcover.
Karen's process is quite interesting as the slipcover is draped and sewn as you go. As much as I struggled with that little rocker, I'm actually thinking of doing a slipcover for a sofa. Yikes!! Maybe I'll do a chair first and practice a little more!


  1. Nice slipcover, Rhonda. The piping is outstanding. And thanks for the link to Karen's company.

  2. BTW- I've been away for a while and unavailable to read my favorite blogs. I see you have been quite busy with inspiring others. Love the lucite purses and saw that you showcase some familiar sewists. So I'll be back later today or tomorrow.

  3. You did a fanatastic job and the recipient is going to love it. Thanks for the link on slipcovering.

  4. Great job - you'll tackle anything and make it work
