Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Languishing Beauty

I'm so sure that I am the only person who cuts something out, puts it in my "to work on drawer"....and then never gets to it. Well, I usually get to it, but it may be quite a while as was the case with this dress. The pattern was a 1970's vintage pattern that I thought was rather pretty.

You may remember the back from this Sleeves On Saturdays post.
I did not use the pattern to draft the sleeve. Once the sleeve was drafted, I laid the vintage pattern over the new pattern and copied the back and front neckline.

What finally prompted me to finish the dress was a challenge at Sew Weekly. For the July 4th holiday, the challenge was to create something red, white, or blue or a combination of all the colors. Lucky me, I had  something cut and the dress took me all of about an hour to sew it up. Now surely I have had an extra hour in the last year to get this finished. Oh well, it's finished now and I love it. You can read the Sew Weekly post here
I'm rather excited now to see what other little gem is languishing in my to do drawer. I do know that there is a wonderful vintage jacket all cut and ready to go and I'm sure that it's a garment that I'll wear and wear.....if only I'll get it finished!
Have a wonderful day.


  1. What a super 'find' in your to-work-on-drawer! The dress looks great on you. I'd be going head first back into that drawer to see what else is hiding, just waiting to be made up...

    ✿ Judy
    made by J

  2. No you're not the only one who starts something then leaves it - with every intention of finishing it but never just getting round to it....this looks like a really comfy dress that's stylish too. Did you match up the pattern at the seams? Sorry, only another sewer looks for things like that.

  3. That's a very pretty dress. Big prints are so stylish. I didn't think "red, white, blue" when I looked at it, but it does fit the criteria. As always, beautiful sewing.

  4. Oh come on Rhonda, you are not the only one! :D Very nice dress and top!

  5. Oh, it is so pretty. I love the fabric and it looks wonderful on you.
