Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Thursday, January 5, 2012

Sew Weekly....I'm Taking On The Challenge!!

Early last summer I started following the Sew Weekly blog. It's a great community and I really enjoyed seeing how the contributors would interpret the weekly challenge. A few weeks ago a call was put out for contributors for 2012. I thought, why not, so I put my name in. They are doing a little something different this year and rather than just a few contributors, there are 250 who live all over the world. I just made my first post last night. They asked that we basically introduce ourselves to the community, so nothing that all of you who have been following my blog don't already know about me (in fact, you probably know a whole lot more!). You can see my post here. The reason for having so many contributors is that it takes the pressure off just a few to come up with something every week. With 250 contributors, if someone has a week that they just can't get something together, there are all the others to pick up the slack! So a new challenge to begin the new year. I'm rather excited.
I was first introduced to Sew Weekly through a lovely blog,  Debbie is wonderful and has such a passion for sewing. Today she did a post about a contest that Eva Dress is hosting. Sounds like loads of fun. You can read all about it here.
The posts I do for Sew Weekly will be posted there first, but I'll let you know when they are up.
Wish me luck!


  1. What a great way to challenge yourself. Congrats!

  2. What a big challenge. I will be interested to see what you do with this, you are so creative.

  3. Good Luck! I'll look forward to your posts about this.
