Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Wednesday, September 21, 2016

A Wednesday Showcase Gift

It seems that when life deals up something a little difficult, it always gives you something sweet as well.

Before I explain, I would first like to say thank you to so very many of you who left a note on THIS post where I talked about the difficulties of the summer and the negative Wednesday Showcase experience. Your well wishes, support, and concern so very deeply touched my heart. Thank you really is not enough, but I do thank you.

So the sweet, and it's not only a little sweet, but super sweet :) 
I received a message from Kim of The Material Lady letting me know that she and  "The Management" were planning a trip to Chicago. I offered an airplane ride as I think that seeing Chicago from the air is just the best. They jumped at the chance! You can read about their experience HERE, and see a few pictures as well. The picture below was taken post flight, so they survived! 

A word about Kim. See the smile on her face. It's not just a smile, it's who she is. Energetic, fun, and so full of life. She's preparing for a half marathon and I wouldn't be a bit surprised if she doesn't pass up many who are half her age. 

Now I just have to share the incredible gifts she brought along. Oh my, it was better than Christmas!

A gorgeous piece of Linton fabric woven in England!!! Either side could be used, but I told Kim that I like the hairy side ;), which you see in the picture below.

It even came with a label. There's enough to do something truly special, I just don't know exactly what yet.

A giant thimble all the way from the Victoria and Albert Museum gift shop. Once I finally get my studio in shape, this will be the loveliest reminder of our visit.

There was a piece of candy, a big piece of candy actually, and a mug from their hometown. All such beautiful and completely unexpected gifts.

I've thought more about the Wednesday Showcase posts and what they have meant to me over the years. I have met some of the most wonderful people. Taking the time to really go through someone's blog, you get a very special glimpse of not only what they like to make, but who they are, and quite honestly, I don't think I want to give that up. For now though, I am going to continue to take a little break. As I said, I am working on something that has been on my mind and heart for quite some time and I think you will enjoy it. I hope so anyway. 

Before I go, I have a secret to share, so shhhh! Kim refers to her husband as "The Management." Guess what, he's really just a very sweet teddy bear. Spending the day with the 2 of them was a priceless experience. It was truly a Wednesday Showcase gift :)


  1. Wow, that thimble is an interesting piece! Cannot wait to see where it ends up in your studio.

    1. Isn't that a great piece?!! Now the pressure is on :/ I MUST get my studio in order!

  2. It was such a joy to meet you and Mr Buss (and the dogs!). We had such a wonderful day that it made a good holiday great. Thanks again, and I truly hope we meet again 😃

    1. Good! See you then 😀. We can't equal a plane ride but we can certainly make you welcome. I wish the dogs could come too - they would love the Wyre Forest.

    2. Sadly, Little Bit's hiking days are over :( But Gracie would be in heaven :) For that matter, a hike in the woods is heaven for me too!

  3. What a beautiful story and can't wait to hear about the adventure to be continued!

    1. You're another Wednesday Showcase gift. It meant so much to me when you reached out after the diagnosis with my eyes :) We haven't met in person, but we will!

  4. Lovely photo of the plane and you two. I cherish all the friendships I've made through blogging. The giant thimble would be right at home with my giant button and needle.

  5. How wonderful. Sounds like a great day.
