Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Tuesday, October 27, 2015

The Upline Jacket Sew Along Begins

The new sew along for the Sewn Square One Upline Jacket has begun and the first post is up on the Sew News blog. You can find it HERE.

I am super excited about this sew along. It offers a number of techniques that may seem a little challenging, but I think you'll find are really quite easy to execute. The jacket has princess line seams that are curved, so pretty. The pockets are inseam pockets, but I was amazed by how easily they came together. The second post in the series will be all about sewing the basic shape of the jacket and doing the pockets.
Probably the most daunting aspect of the jacket is the zipper, but it's really just a matter of taking your time. We will, step by step work through the process of inserting the zipper in the third post.
In this week's post, I talked a lot about fabric choices. I chose to make the jacket out of a beautiful piece of wool. I think it will look lovely when finished, but it will also give you a better chance to see the lines of the jacket as we sew along.
The more I've thought about the jacket, the more ideas I've had. A faux fur collar would be spectacular. I would just do the faux fur on the inside collar. It would feel nice and warm against the neck when zipped up, and look so pretty when the collar is open.
Another idea I had was to do the jacket in a special occasion fabric. 
Maybe do the mid-length or the longer version. Actually, the shorter version would be fun too. Especially with the addition of a faux fur collar, the jacket would become the jacket you grab for any evening occasion. 
Hmmm, I may have just talked myself into another project!
I'm looking forward to sewing along with you!


  1. I've tried to get the pattern and the link sends me to a page that is no longer available. Any suggestions?

    1. I tried this link and it worked,
      If that doesn't work, you can always go directly to Sewn Swuare One and get the pattern there, and here's that link,
