Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Monday, October 26, 2015

Monday Morning Inspiration

I hope your Monday is off to a great start!
Well, I have to say that you all surprised me. Last week's inspiration post was all about skirts, and I gave you the chance to vote on the skirt that you would most like to see drafted out. I initially had only 4 up for the vote, but it quickly became obvious that I needed to include number 5, the red skirt. Not only did I need to include it, it was the hands down winner! I think it will be a fun skirt to draft out and make. 
But so many of you really liked the other 4 skirts, so I have decided to draft them out for you as well. 

The skirt pictured below has already been drafted out by Studio Farro and you can find it HERE.
So starting next Monday, in loo of our normal Monday Morning Inspiration post, I will begin drafting out the skirts, starting with the red skirt. but,who knows, I may still try and sneak in a little inspiration  too:)
So often with the Monday Morning Inspiration posts, the pictures are great, but the question do I make what I see?
I posted this coat a while back and it has been repinned so many times. Great coat!
Here's a pattern that is similar in feel. It's McCall's 7025. The inspiration coat has a notched collar and the skirt is tiered, but the McCall's pattern makes for a great jumping off pattern. Combine it with Vogue 8346 and you'll have the exact same coat.
This sleek trench would be easy to copy using....
 Simplicity 2311. Just eliminate the buttons and add a zipper.
How about making a much prettier version of the Prada coat pictured in the middle below
 with Vogue 9040

Sometimes, it takes a little more drafting knowledge to get the design that you would like, and sometimes, it just takes a little bit of looking at the patterns we have available. 
Be sure to stop by tomorrow, I had a bit of a hectic weekend and I didn't get my sleeve draft posted on Saturday, but I will tomorrow. 
Have a wonderful week!!! 


  1. Oh so fun! I like this series as I do not have a creative eye and don't normally see potential in a line drawing. That Prada coat is so fun.

    1. I was looking for a version of that coat that Prada did in gingham print. It was so pretty. If I find it, I'll send a link. Glad you enjoyed the post :)

  2. I never stopped in to vote, my bad, but so happy to see the red one come up so popular! I'll make that one for sure as you show us how. Thanks!

  3. I'm one who voted for that red skirt so hooray for you deciding to draft it!. As to that trench with the zip, there are a lot of moto jacket patterns with the off center zip that could be used as a jumping off point. Lengthen it and draw a bit of an a-line shape to the lower half or use and attach an a-line skirt as the basis for the bottom if you wanted a waistline seam. I never would have thought of that without your examples, Rhonda!

  4. Thanks for the skirts, Rhonda. You're the best!

  5. It's surprising how often an available pattern can be tweaked to make something very current. Thanks for doing some of the searching for us!

    1. I'm sure you remember when the Vogue pattern book was bursting with patterns. The new book would come out and I would sit and mark pattern after pattern that I wanted to have and make. Sadly, those days are gone. But, like you said, a little tweaking and the patterns that are provided still give us a great jumping off point.

  6. This looks like a great series Rhonda. Will be keeping an eye out for the patterns you develop. :) Thx for the mention. I'm sampling a few of the #PatternPuzzles at the moment. However that particular skirt not high on the list. Would love to see your sample. Happy sewing. :)

    1. Always happy to make a mention :) I had missed that skirt on your blog, so thankfully, I was made aware. Your instructions are always so spot on, so it should go together quickly and easily.

  7. Yeah for the red skirt? I had already saved the picture because I love it so much. Looking forward to your post!

  8. I can't wait for this series! I liked so many of the skirts you shared last week that I couldn't decide on one to vote for, and ended up not voting! ;-) Sounds like I'd better sharpen my pencil(s) and get ready for some serious skirts!
