Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Tuesday, November 4, 2014

5th Year Blogger Anniversary and A Look Back

That's me, five years ago, October 20, 2009....with much shorter hair! I'm always happy when I have my arms full of puppies!!
I just recently read, "When you set off in search of something, you may find more than you bargained for." For those of you who have followed the blog from early on, you know that I began the blog at the insistence of an acupuncturist that I see. She felt that I needed to share what I do in a more public way. And so the blog came about, but I had no idea what I was doing or what to do for that matter. In 2010, I posted every so often, once or twice a month. A few began to follow and I began to understand a little more about the internet world.
In 2011 I began doing the Fabulous Free Pattern Friday posts and my hair had grown a little longer.
You can find the instructions for the skirt above here.
In 2012, the blog began to take on more of the look it has now with the Monday Morning Inspiration posts,
recipes on Sundays,
Sunday Night Reflections,

The worth of a life is not determined by a single failure
or a solitary success.

That year, I allowed myself to dream and try and I entered the Passion For Fashion contest at The American Sewing Expo. I won the Audience Choice Award for my creation.

In 2013 I moved completely out of my comfort zone and auditioned for the Sew It All contest.
Thanks to so many of you who voted, I won!!
Then came the pillowcase project for the Mary Bridge Children's Hospital in Tacoma, Washington. Again, thanks to your generous support, we collected and donated over 1000 handmade pillowcases.
That year I also wrote this piece from my heart.
I took another chance and entered the 2013 Passion For Fashion contest at the American Sewing Expo and won Third Place.

2014 has had its ups and downs. 
The year began with my piece being featured on the cover of Sew Stylish, a huge up!
I began writing in 2013 for Sew News, but the articles of course weren't published until this year. 
Along with the articles came videos, amazing!!! More ups!!
I also started doing the Thrifty Thursday posts. We've done everything from panties,
 to hats,
 to coats. There are so many wonderful free patterns available!
In five years I've gone from having no idea what I was doing to rediscovering my passion and creating my own form of an online magazine with my simple little blog. But again, none of this would be possible without your very generous support.
So the future....
In 2015 the blog will take on a new look. I want the Fabulous Free Pattern Friday posts, the Sleeves On Saturdays as well as others to be easier to find. I also have a few other ideas that I want to pursue,hopefully they will work out, fingers crossed! I will be writing for Sew News again next year. I'm excited about the opportunity as well as very grateful. And then,who knows what will come?!!! The woman in the picture with her hands full of puppies had no idea what she was in for. And quite possibly,
this lady doesn't either.
Thanks so much for taking the ride with me. I hope it's been at the very least, entertaining :)


  1. Wow - 5 years. Thanks for your wonderful contribution to the sewing and blogging world.

  2. How lovely.I have to say that aside from the beautiful designs you share/post and create, part of your appeal to me as a sewer, reader, and person is your authenticity and humbleness. It comes straight across in your writing. Thank you. Happy 5th Anniversary!

    1. That is awfully sweet Jennifer. Thank you so much!

  3. It's been a wonderful trip from my view of things. I appreciate all that you share. I look forward to the upcoming year and what it holds in store! Congrats! (and by the way, thank your acupuncturist for me!)

  4. Yours is one of my favorite blogs.I admire your hard work and discipline, and the way you nourish your own talent while encouraging others with such generosity.

  5. So glad you jumped into the blogsphere! I can't remember when I started following your posts...but I have learned so much and cheered you on in your competitive endeavors. Can't wait to see what the next 5 years have for you!

  6. It's been a great ride, Rhonda, but your journey has far far to go and will unfold itself with new surprises around every corner. I wish you continued success and want you to know I really enjoy your blog. Thanks for all the effort you put into every thing you do.

  7. Love your blog for inspiration, tutorials and interesting features - all the best for the next 5 years.

  8. I can't wait. I'm so glad I found you by reading Sew News! Congratulations. You will go far with your sewing

  9. Good for you! You have put a lot of effort into this blog and you deserve success. Congratulations on a great 5 years and good luck with the next :)

  10. Congratulations on 5 years. And here's to 5 more.

  11. I never would have guessed you have been blogging for only five years. In that short time, you have developed a very well-rounded blog that I always enjoy reading. What comes through most of all is your generous spirit. Happy blogiversary, for you truly have something to celebrate!

  12. I'm so happy blogging has brought you unexpected surprises and recognition! You are so generous with your time and information sharing. I often make your "sunday soups" and enjoy the variety of topics covered in your blog. Congratulations on five years of successful blogging!

  13. A happy future is wished for you, and it's been lovely finding out more about you - I've enjoyed your blog over the last two years (I didn't know about sewing blogs before then).

  14. Your blog is always a joy to read. I don't recall when I started to follow it but it seems like a good while now - in a good way! You have achieved so many wonderful things and been so generous with your knowledge. Well done Rhonda and please continue for at least another five years.

  15. Now I know where I remember you from! Before I took your lovely sleeves class this year in Novi, I was sitting right there in previous years when you were in the Passion For Fashion! You are an amazing lady and congratulations on all your wins. Thank you for giving so much to us all!

  16. How wonderful 5 years...and what accomplishments. You are an inspiration and are very supportive for so many of us. You blog is one on the ones I look forward to seeing everyday! Heres to the future and Thank you!

  17. I found your blog about 2 years ago and look forward to reading it as often as I can. You offer so many creative ideas in so many areas. I think you may dream in textiles to have such passion. Thanks so much for sharing and congratulations.

  18. Even when I am very busy, I find the time to read your blog! It is always inspiring! Here's to many more great years for your blog and whatever comes next!

  19. Happy blog anniversary to you, Rhonda. And congratulations. 5 years in blog life must be the equivalent of at least 15 years in 'real' life! Thanks for sharing your creative mojo with us all.

  20. Yours is a great blog. What I appreciate most is your modesty.

  21. Not only entertaining, but instructional, reliable, tasteful, stylish, generous, honest and always inspirational! Here's to the next 5 years.

  22. Congratulations dear Rhonda for these five years. I think the blogger world is very happy that you share all your wonderful deciciĆ³ creativity and ideas with us. You are great!

  23. Rhonda, you are a very talented lady. I only discovered your blog a couple of years ago. I printed off all of your pattern drafting info and now I have a folder labelled "RHONDA". I look forward to your daily blog. Thankyou for all the wonderful information you have provided and congratulations on your five year anniversary. One day I would love to meet you in person. Cathy. New Zealand.

  24. Happy blogiversary, Rhonda. Yours was the inspiration behind my own Pillowcase Project that will deliver pillowcases to the pediatric patients in Manila, Philippines on Christmas Day. So far more than 150 have come in. I'm getting so excited!

    I enjoy your blog immensely!

    Happy week,

  25. Wowo:) I love reading your blog..

  26. Awesome Rhonda! What a terrific road you've traveled and you've taken us all along for the ride. Many, many thanks! I'm looking forward to the next 5 years :)

  27. This is so exciting Rhonda. I am glad I found your appears not very long after you started blogging. You made me believe that pattern making and design could really be fulfilling, and not some backroom, lonely place, but out front and exciting. Thanks for all you do. I look forward to all that you have to offer the sewing web.
