Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Mary Bridge Children's Hospital Pillowcase Project, Celebrating The First 100

There was quite the celebration at my house yesterday. I celebrated the first milestone for the pillowcase project, the first 100, the first 101 to be exact by hanging all of the cases across my garden. It was really quite a sight.
For those of you who may not know what this is all about, a quick explanation. When I went out to The Sewing And Stitchery Expo in Puyallup, Washington to compete in the Sew It All contest, I found out that the charity project was collecting pillowcases for the Mary Bridge Children's Hospital. The children have the opportunity to choose a pillowcase. The cases brighten an all too white environment and also brighten the spirits of not only the children but the parents as well. The hospital goes through 900 pillowcases each month. I asked the representative from the hospital if I could just mail in a few of my own. She said that they are always happy to receive donations. Once I had a chance to think about this, I realized that if I would only ask, I think that between me and those of you who follow the blog, we could donate a months worth of pillowcases. I put the word out and so many of you have been busy making pillowcases.
If you look closely at the picture below, you will see a few pillowcases that are hung upside down. There is a precious lady who lives in Belgium who sent 14 pillowcases. I felt that they needed to somehow be recognized, so for lack of a better idea, I hung them upside down.   
To document the day, I made a little video. Please forgive me as you may notice that there are pauses in my speech. I just became so overwhelmed which resulted in me being very emotional. Am I crazy or what?!!!! Crying over pillowcases :-)

A pilot friend of mine is also very excited about this project. He told a friend of his and the two coordinated a flyover. Once again, I was very emotional.
I can only imagine what 900 pillowcases is going to look like. There will be lines going in every possible direction.
The photos were taken late in the day so the light wasn't what they wanted, but I think the pictures are wonderful.
The end of the day, all folded and put away until the next big celebration,,,,,450 pillowcases!! That will mark half way.
If you would like to participate, there's plenty of time as I have extended the deadline until the end of summer. Here is a link to the instructions, You do not have to use this pattern, you are welcome to use whatever pattern that you like best. If you would like to participate, please email me and let me know,
I just can't wait until we make the 450 mark. If I'm emotional over 100, just think what I'll be like over 450.
One last note, the hospital also gives pillowcases to those who are in hospice care, so if you would like to make non-children type pillowcases, that is also welcomed.
Thanks again to everyone who is making this a reality!


  1. Great photos and I LOVED getting to hear your voice on the video. Very touching project; thanks for spearheading it, Rhonda!

    1. Isn't it exciting to see it all coming together?! A person's voice can be quite a surprise. My voice is not a very strong one. When I was first out of school, I worked for the Baptist Mission Center in Houston. I was exposed to so much that I had never been exposed to and I proceeded to get sick. Finally, my system was so compromised and I ended up with pneumonia and my voice suffered quite a lot.
      Thanks so much Linda for your very generous contribution to the project. I hope you were able to pick out a few of the cases that you made.

    2. I was able to see some of those Texas pillowcases! A friend recently gave me a few pieces of cotton prints so I may get to make some more before summer is over.

    3. Only do what you can and if you have time.

  2. The pictures and the video are beautiful!!!

    1. Thanks Judi,
      It was fun to see it all come together.

  3. This is just wonderful ! You hung 101 pillowcases!!! Are there more hours in your day Rhonda than anyone else's. I continue to be amazed at all the things you do!!!

    1. Thanks Diana. Like everyone, I wish there were a few more hours in the day, but, we would fill them up and only wish for more:)
      I had a couple of friends who were going to help me, but I told them to wait until the numbers are bigger. Actually, it didn't take long at all. As I pulled my basket along, I thought so much of my grandmother and helping her with her laundry. Sweet, sweet memories!
      A little confession, my dogs really need a bath and I REALLY need to clean my house!!!!! Now you have the whole story;)

  4. Outstanding! This is a great gift, and you are awesome for your many contributions, coordinating the effort, taking time to display the pillowcase and encouraging people all over world to participate. Lauren is sewing ten pillowcases. She will send them soon.

  5. Congratulations! I just read about your pillow case project through the Sew Expo newsletter AND that you are the winner of the "Sew it All" contest! I have to say, fabulous work :-). Do take a moment to stop by my booth while you are there in Puyallup (Sew Chic Pattern Company) and say hello :-) cause you are one fantastic lady!

    1. Hi Laura, so nice to "meet" you :) I love your pattern line! I will look for your booth as I would really enjoy meeting you.
