Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Many Faces Of Butterick 5678

On May 8th, I posted the first collar tutorial on the Sew News blog using Butterick 5678.
The first collar was the Peter Pan collar. A very classic and yet easy collar to draft.
Next we did the Revere Collar. Another basic collar, but I showed you how to add the bias trim and make it look all the more special.
The third collar is not an actual collar, but it's a neckline treatment that looks good on almost everyone, The Raised Neckline.

Then we did the shawl collar. This was the narrow variation. Rather than making another shirt, I chopped the pattern off at the waist and added a 1/2 circle skirt.

That brings us to the new collar which is another shawl collar, but the wide variation. Once again I opted for a dress rather than a shirt. By extending the pattern, the shirt becomes a great little shirt dress.
So with that said, the new post is up on the Sew News blog!!!! I'm so excited!!! Thanks so much for your comments and for checking out the posts. I will be doing three more collars in this series. You can find the new post here,
If you would like to see all the posts that I have done for Sew News, here is the link,
Thanks again for being so supportive!


  1. That dress is so cute! You do know how talented you are, don't you?? Thanks so much for sharing.

  2. Incredible, your variations on this simple pattern are so beautiful! I adore the narrow shawl collar dress which looks a lot like a 40's garment.

  3. Wow, great combination of fabrics. Love it.

  4. Incredibly beautiful all of them! You are the eternal source of inspiration for my restless brain!

  5. So very pretty. I love the green and the wide bias. Am going to check out your videos on Sew News Blog now.

  6. Amazing! And I really like the new addition of the green shawl collared dress ;-)!

  7. wonder colours in the shawl collar dress need to check out the instructions.

  8. That green dress is absolutely stunning. I really do have intention of making up each and every collar that you've shown ... at some point. At least I know exactly where to go for the instructions. You offer no end of inspiration!

  9. Wow Rhonda ... I thought I'd have a gander back through past posts and I am always amazed by your wonderful energy and generosity. Thank you for posting this and other "how to's" which are eye openers into the world of possibilities for pattern modifications.

    I am absolutely going to try some of these. When I get to the shirt :)

  10. Hi Emily, thanks for your note. I always hope that I can inspire others by showing that once you have even basic sewing skills, there is no limit to what you can do.

  11. I love all the variations you used for this pattern! I wish I had half your talent!! These are amazing.

    1. Thanks Angela :), but I'm sure you could tackle this without a problem.
