Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Thursday, February 7, 2013

Look What Happened!!!

A month or so ago I saw a post on Facebook about a contest that Sew News was sponsoring for a possible spot on their show Sew It All.
So I thought, "why not?"  I submitted a piece and then actually forgot about it.
A free days ago I received this message from Ellen March, the editor of Sew News;

Hi Rhonda!
Thank you so much for entering the Sew it All Casting Call contest! We love your blog and project/demo idea.
You have been chosen as one of the five finalists to present a 5-minute excerpt of your project at the Puyallup Sewing & Stitchery Expo on Sunday, March 3 during the Coats & Clark charity event in front of a live audience.
Thank you so much!
Ellen March

WOO HOO!!!!! I'm going to Puyallup, Washington!!!!! I'm so excited!!!
You can see the Sew News blog post about the event and the other very creative finalists here,
Wish me luck!!!!

Just a quick little note.
I must say thank you to all of you who drop by and read my blog. You've made my Fabulous Free Pattern Friday Pinterest board my most followed board and in turn you are helping me to see a dream realized. It's because of all of you that this has happened for me and I am so very grateful. Yes, I would love to win, but in reality, I am already a winner. I win each and every time you take time to read my blog and your comments are like icing on the cake.
From the bottom of my heart,
Thank You!!


  1. Congratulations, Rhonda! Of course, this means we will miss seeing you at Haute Couture on March 2, right?

    1. If only we could be in two places at the same time :)

  2. Congratulations Rhonda - it couldn't happen to a nicer, more deserving girl!
    Don't forget to make time to enjoy the experience :)

    1. You are so sweet:) thank you! I have quite a bit to do to get ready, but it's all fun!

  3. Congratulations Rhonda....!
    You are so worthy and such a giving spirit, you deserve the accolades. I will always be in the background yelling your name and supporting your efforts (former cheerleader here). I am a daily reader of your blog and look forward to you announcing your future successes and recognition of your efforts. Your friend.....


    1. Hi Cynthia,
      You probably won't believe this, but I have kept in my inbox a message that you sent me last May,
      "You are so creative, and I admire your abilities and drive! My wish is that you become a contestant on next season's "Fashion Star!" You would win,....hands down!"
      There was something so very special about that message for me. You believed in me and made me believe in myself again. Thank you.

  4. I wish you all the luck in the world, because you deserve it.

  5. Whew! Your such a genius Rhonda so you deserve that part. I'm a fan of your fabulous free pattern Friday and other sewing stuffs you have here in your blog. Congratulations and Cheers!

  6. Huge 'pat-on-the-back' to you - I am extremely pleased for you!!!

  7. How awesome! Congratulations and good luck with the finals!

  8. Congratulations. I hope you win. You certainly have the talent to do so. Keep us informed, please.

  9. Routing for you (is that the right term?). Congratulations and the very best of luck.

  10. Congratulations! You will love Puyallup - pack layers and if you have any questions, call, as I've taken tour groups there for years - the last was just last year.

  11. Happy to hear this good news! Have a Blast!

  12. Congratulations, I hope you have a wonderful time! Good luck in the finals!

  13. Rhonda, this is so well deserved. Congratulations and have a ball!

  14. How cool is that? Congratulations!

  15. Fantastic, loved Puyallup and would love the be there for this evening. So well deserved and I will be cheering for you.

  16. CONGRATULATIONS! This is wonderful news and you do really deserve it!!!!

  17. Well deserved, Rhonda! Congratulations!!!

  18. Congratulations! Good luck in Puyallup!

  19. Oh how great! Congratulations! Good luck in Puyallup!

  20. Amazing news, but not surprising at all. You are one talented lady!

  21. CONGRATSSSSSSSSSSS Lady! That's and opportunity that's well deserved!!! So happy for you!!!
