Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Saturday, February 13, 2021

A New Writing Adventure!

Over the years that I have been writing this blog, I have shared that I am involved with the American Opera Society of Chicago. I was president for 6 years, the first in the history of the organization to hold that position for that length of time. And too, a position that I felt quite honored and humbled to have held as Mrs. Rockefeller McCormick was the first president. The organization has evolved over the years, but what has remained the same is the desire to promote young artists.

Each year, AOSC holds a scholarship competition in March, well sadly, except this year. In fact, when COVID raised its ugly head back in March, we had just completed our competition for 2020. So, we were quite fortunate to have gotten it in before everything shut down. 

Like everyone, figuring out how to function during COVID posed quite the challenge. Thanks to Zoom, we have continued to have board meetings. But sadly, we have not been able to hold any of our events, and showcase our scholarship winners. So, what to do?

The answer was to start a blog, and once again, I am quite honored to have been asked to write the blog. I love everything about music, so I see this as a wonderful addition to my creative life ;)

This past summer I had the opportunity to fly with and become friends with our top vocal award winner for 2020. He has an over the top personality that just draws one in, the kind of person that makes everyone in his presence feel special. The board felt that a video of the 2 of us talking about opera and what he has been doing during COVID would be especially interesting to our membership. 

So many of you have been so very kind to me over the almost 11 years that I have been writing this blog. You have stuck with me during the times when I just haven't felt like writing, and encouraged me to keep going. Don't worry, I am not abandoning this blog, but I wanted to share that I will be writing a weekly blog for the American Opera Society of Chicago. And, I felt that the best way to make the announcement would be to share the video that I made with the amazingly talented Christopher Kenney. The video is about 28 minutes long. Be sure to stay to the end as Chris will have you me ;)       

I hope you enjoyed the video! 
If by chance you too love opera, and would like to follow my weekly posts, you can find the AOSC website HERE. The blog is entitled "Bravo," so just click on that link in the header. 

Before I go, I would just like to once more say thank you to all of you who have followed over the years. Your support has meant the world to me!



  1. It’s always good to see what you are doing. I can’t remember how long I’ve been following your blog now - a long time though! Life does change but it’s great that you’re adapting to the changes and still enjoying what you’re doing. Chris is very lucky to have flown with you - as am I 😁

  2. I volunteer at Seattle Opera in their box office, have since I worked there in the early 90s. Lyric has had the great good fortune to be able to redo it's seating during this lockdown (so has SFO) and I'm a little jealous. Thanks for the link to the blog, will follow, and love the video. Stay warm

  3. This is wonderful, Rhonda. You are so multi-talented and to be able to share your joy of opera and it's young talent through a blog is just remarkable. My mom was a contralto with the New Orleans opera company and also had a weekly syndicated program discussing opera and interviewing talent on the media of the day, radio. This all by the time she was 18. Opera surrounded us as children. I can't wait to click now and hear Christopher.

  4. You are simply amazing. I don't know much about opera although loved the ones I say in NYC. I'll follow your new blog and maybe learn more!
    You've hinted at your upbringing and early years as being quite difficult. With this as well as the life that you have made, you are a singular role model. Thank you.
