Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Elements of Joy/The Challenge Continues

A Very Happy Tuesday to all who happen to stop by :)

I correspond with a lovely lady in England. She sent a note to me a few days ago, and I thought that it was so special, and something that we all should ponder. So, I asked if she would mind me sharing an excerpt from her letter here on the blog, and she happily agreed.

"As we enter yet another week of sad and troubling news, I hope that you can find elements of joy in each day. I have for many years now lived each day as though it is both my first and last. This means welcoming each brand new day and looking for the new thing I will experience or learn from it. At the end of the day I make sure I have nothing unresolved with anyone in my life. No chance that if I was not to awaken I would leave someone with regrets that our last words had been .....Because my last breath here will be my first in .... and there will be no room for regrets for me, so it's important that I don't leave others with them."

A week ago today, I began a bit of a challenge. With being home so very much, it's easy to fall into the trap of not getting dressed. A trip to the drug store, my excitement about getting out, and getting dressed prompted me to ask, "for whom do I dress?" What I discovered is that dressing, enjoying my clothes is important for me, regardless of who sees me.

I've done well with my challenge of getting up each day and dressing, missing only 1 day last week. I did dress, but no effort was made. I had thrown on a pair of sweatpants so that I could take Berkley for a walk, came home, got busy, and never officially dressed. 

Last Wednesday I wore a super fun pair of leggings that I recently made. The fabric for both the leggings and the sweatshirt were found at Joann's Fabrics. You can't see it, but the sweatshirt has a small pink shiny dot throughout the fabric. The leggings are a shiny pink and beige velvet. The leggings are the Loveland Leggings from Sew Daily. Super easy to make!!!     
The sweatshirt is the La Megeve Pullover from Naughty Bobbins Patterns. The pullover/sweatshirt has slits on the side, and a great pocket application. 

Thursday was my fail day :(
The outfit that I wore on Friday is from a Simplicity pattern. While I was walking through the fabric store, I walked past the pattern counter, and my eyes just happened to fall on this pattern, Simplicity 9017

I haven't purchased a Simplicity pattern in I don't know when! The neckline is great, but I should have added a bit of interfacing to give it the stand that it has on the pattern envelope. 

Saturday was a leggings and turtleneck kind of a day. Once again, the Loveland Leggings from Sew Daily. It was such a beautiful day. Berkley and I sat out on the deck and just enjoyed the sunshine!

It snowed on Sunday. Since it was Easter, I just had to put something on that felt special. This is the Estes Dress from Sew Daily. Super easy to make, but a little extra special in the red ponte.     

Monday was a Helen's Closet kind of a day. All 3 pieces are from her pattern collection, the Avery Leggings, Elliot Sweater, and Blackwood Cardigan. I added to the front of the cardigan as it was designed to just skim over the breast area, and I wanted a cardigan that came closer to meeting at center front. The cardigan is made from the same fabric that I used for the leggings that I wore on Saturday. 

My pictures aren't the best today. The wind was blowing. At one point, I dropped my phone in the snow. Oh well, at least I dressed, and at least it's made by me :) 
The skirt that I am wearing started life as a tunic for a child. I found it at the resale shop, loved the border pattern, and saw that if I cut the top off, I would have a cute skirt. The sweatshirt/sweater that I'm wearing is a Style Arc pattern, the Carlsson Sweater. I would typically wear a different pair of shoes, but I had to walk through the snow, so...oh well.

I really like the Carlsson pattern. Goes together quickly, and so easy to wear. When I initially made it, I told a friend of mine that I wore it until I HAD to wash it!!! 

As time goes on, I hope that I will keep up my little challenge. I am posting my pictures to Instagram. If you would like to join me, use #idressforme and let me know. I would LOVE to feature your me made pieces!!!

As I close out this post, Berkley is sleeping peacefully, and wagging his tail while he sleeps. Something must be bringing him joy. I hope that you too will find something in each and every day that will bring you a bit of joy.


  1. Thanks for sharing your outfits with us. I love your challenge of getting dressed nicely everyday.

    1. Thanks Ginger. Hope you and your family are doing well :)

  2. What a lovely challenge. My dressing has also been a bit variable!

    1. It can really be a bit of a challenge when you aren't going anywhere!

  3. You always look lovely Rhonda.

  4. Lovely! You are an inspiration. I find it important to put makeup on each day. I try not to slob out with my clothing but every time I walk by the bathroom mirror that face staring back at me is asking for help if I don't do my makeup. It really helps me feel better about my day.

  5. I started at the beginning of the year on a 100 day outfit challenge. Each outfit needed to be different. I took a couple of photos a day. The 100th day was 9th April. I really enjoyed the challenge, it is amazing how many clothes we have. It was fun. Working from home now I can wear less formal clothes but I still dress up and have fun combining items. Good luck with your getting up and dressed. Great comfy outfits so far.
