Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Tuesday, August 13, 2019

A Scarf to Celebrate My Celtic Heritage

My first weaving class came to an end yesterday, and I couldn't be more pleased with the outcome. I did very little planning, but just allowed the piece to speak to me and take on its on life.

I began with navy blue, a light green, light blue, and lavender. A purple was used for the warp.

As I went along, quite honestly, I did get a little bored, and I felt that the piece needed something more, so I added the green plaid.

When I finally finished the piece, and took it off the loom, as I said, I was pleased. Well, once again, to be quite honest, I could be more pleased. There are places were the tension is a little off. But, it is my first piece, so I decided to relax and give myself a break.  

As I looked at the scarf, I realized that it reminds me of the beautiful purple thistle blooms and the green of moss.

I have a great piece of mohair coating that will make a perfect companion to the scarf. 

I've decided to carry on. There's more that I would like to do and learn. I am so amazed with what some of the other students are doing in the class. 

If by chance you are in Chicago, and would like to give weaving a try, check out The Chicago Weaving School. You can even take a class on basket weaving! Natalie, the owner is wonderful, and truly does her best to help each student walk away with a piece that they can be proud of. Hey, I'm hooked!!! :)


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you :) It was a fun project to put together!

  2. Oh, what a great scarf, Rhonda, You did excellent work on it. Carry on, make a nice coat to go with it! :)

    1. I was just looking at the mohair fabric this morning. I have plenty for just about anything I want to do, a little over 3 yards of 60" fabric. So, this is going to be fun putting it all together.

  3. Wow what a lovely scarf, you have a fantastic aesthetic for this, beautifully done.

  4. Love the colors in the scarf, Rhonda! They are perfectly representative of the Scottish thistle and the mossy greens in Scotland and Ireland (my great-grandmother was from Kilmarnock, Scotland, and my great-grandfather was from County Wicklow, Ireland. My husband surprised me with a trip to Ireland for our 25th years ago, and it really is an emerald of an island!) So, from a fellow Celt, I'd say you did a great job, Lass, especially for your first time. I've been weaving on various-sized frame looms off and on over the past few years, but haven't fully embraced the craft yet. I think it might have something to do with getting into the Zen about the setup, because weaving does take some prep time before getting started (or maybe it was because I got distracted when weaving with yarn and took a break to learn how to hook rugs with the yarn I was weaving...ha!). Anyway, your scarf is beautiful!! I agree with SewRuthie that you definitely have an aesthetic for colors.

  5. So pretty. Great combination of colours and pattern.
