Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Monday, April 8, 2019

One Nice Thing A Day/Week 1 Recap

Doing one nice thing a day for yourself seems like it would be a fairly easy task, and it is...


The last few days have been a bit of a whirlwind. My husband and I were on our way to a dinner and concert last Saturday evening when my phone rang. If it's a number that I don't recognize, I typically will not answer, but something about this call made me feel that I should. It was a police officer who told me that my step-father had been in an accident and my mother needed me. Long story short, he had a massive heart attack and died while driving. The car did run into a wall, but thankfully, no other person was injured. Although he has been ill for quite some time, it's still quite shocking when death makes its call. 

As I drove home from my mother's house yesterday evening, I was tired, and just felt like going home, but I was reminded of just how short life is, and that it was of the utmost importance that I still do something nice for myself. So, I swung by the store with the intention of buying stargazer lilies. As I drove home, the fragrance wafted through the car. It was beautiful, and such a lovely gift. Yes, it is important to celebrate each and everyday, and remember to not only do for all of those who surround us, but do for ourselves as well.

For those of you who are not on Instagram, here is a collage of the things I did for myself last week...

Last Monday I saw the surgeon for my 6 week check-up. When I went to sit down, I looked over and saw a magazine entitled "Garden & Gun." My first thought was that I had surely misread the title, but no, as you can see, that's the title!!! As it turns out, it is a lovely magazine, strange as it may seem :/ The title made me laugh, and the content captured me, so I gave myself a one-year subscription.

The next day, I downloaded the audio version of "Where The Crawdads Sing." I will be doing a review later this week, but it was wonderful!!! My husband and I listened to it together, and we were captivated from beginning to end. 

As it turns out, I did have a little nerve damage to my thumb and pointer finger when I broke my wrist. I had mentioned to the therapist that I like to knit. She thought that it would be a great idea to begin a project and work those 2 fingers. So, I ordered 2 skeins of silk yarn from Purl Soho, and began a new project. I'm slow, but I have noticed a difference in my fingers, so I am quite happy :)

On Thursday, I decided to soak in a hot tub. What a lovely treat it was!

On Friday, it was off to get some fresh color in my hair, and have my hair washed, cut, and styled. Not much can beat that!!!

Saturday morning I was quite busy with a Haute Couture meeting. Knowing that I would have to be out that evening, and also knowing that for whatever reason, I still tire rather easily, I decided to take a nap. I laid down on the sofa, and drifted off for a very blissful hour. 

So, did you decide to take the challenge and do one nice thing a day for yourself? If you did, what did you do? Were you able to keep the commitment to yourself  for the entire week?

Just remember, it's not too late to make a commitment to yourself, to do something nice for yourself each day. As simple as it may seem, it can be a struggle. It's awfully easy to allow the day to go by, get to the end of the day and realize that we've allowed no time for ourselves.  
By all means, don't put it off. We only have now.



  1. I’m sorry to hear of your step father’s passing. I will keep you and your mother in my prayers.

  2. Rhonda may the Lord strengthen your family on every leaning side in your time of lost!!!

  3. So sorry for your loss. And to hear about the nerve damage. Glad to hear you were able to follow through with your gifts to yourself.

  4. Glad to hear you are following through on your commitment! All of those "treats" sound wonderful!

  5. I am so sorry about your step-father. I wish the best for your mother and you. We lost a beloved friend in the early 2000's in much the same manner on St. Patrick's Day. David had a coronary arrest and hit a telephone pole. He was well-liked and it was a trauma for many people.
