Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Monday, December 17, 2018

Celebrating with Creativity

My birthday was last Wednesday. Rather than a party, I opted for a quiet celebration. 

Two years ago, I took a nuno felting class at Esther's Place. Rather than make a specific project, we created yardage that we could then make into anything we would like. I created the piece below. My intention had been to make a skirt. Once I got the piece together, I just couldn't bear to cut into it.

So, I wear it as a shawl, or a wrap skirt as you see above. 

Once I completed the first piece, I then understood the process a bit more, and thought that I would like to create another. I bought all of my supplies, brought them home where they proceeded to sit in the bag for the last two years :/

Back in November, I said, "enough!" I called Natasha who owns Esther's Place and asked if I could come in for a private lesson. The day that worked best for both of us was the day before my birthday. Fabulous! It was the best way to celebrate, creating, doing something that I love :)

The piece that I made is below. My intention had been to create a piece that I would then make into a sheath dress with a sheer yoke. I think it will still be a dress with a sheer yoke, but not so sure about the sheath aspect. I love the wispy, lighter than air aspect, so I think I want something that has some movement.   

The day was so much fun. I am now addicted to nuno felting. Now that I have done two pieces, I feel that I can tackle a project on my own. So, I am planning my next piece!

I just have to share this with you!!! The American Sewing Guild Chicago Chapter had their annual holiday party on Saturday. It was so much fun. They are celebrating 10 years. Amazing! There was a gift for everyone. Little needle cases had been made with the ASG logo fabric.

Inside is a small pocket that hold a needle threader and stick on thimbles.

Within the pages are various sizes of Japanese needles and some lovely pins. 

A special cake was made for the celebration. Made by one of the members. The entire cake is/was edible. We devoured it!!! The top half was chocolate, and the bottom half was vanilla. Such a treat. 

This neighborhood group began as a dream. The founding members felt that there had to be others who are sewing away in high rise apartments. They were right! I'm not sure of the membership number, but it's a great group of ladies, and the membership continues to grow. I would encourage you to possibly start a group if one is not in your area. The payoff of friendship and comradery is worth the effort! 

Have a wonderful day!


  1. Your felting pieces are so interesting. I'd have hard time cutting into them too. I love the cake! I had to share the picture with my sewing guild. We are not ASG, just a local group and dwindling in numbers but we enjoy getting together, too. We've been a guild for 27 years.

    1. 27 years is something to brag about!!! That's fantastic!
      The second piece of nuno felting I did is not going to be so difficult to cut into, in fact, I am looking forward to it! I've decided to make an aline dress and keep as much of the width of the fabric as possible. I think I will make a navy blue slip to wear underneath. Should be a fun piece for warmer weather.

  2. So... I'm interested, is the fabric making better than garment making?
    Locally, 10-12 of us have come together every month to sew and share advice and experience - it's great. The problem that we face now, is that there's nowhere for us all to sew at one time if everyone turns up. I've had to 'reject' a few very willing contributors because there's just no more space. It's a real shame because everyone has something to contribute. Any ideas/solutions???

    1. As far as fabric making versus garment making, I think garment making wins for me :)
      Is there a church that has a hall where you could meet? Maybe a park with a meeting room??? Space has become a dilemma for many groups, especially the cost of the space.
