Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Monday, September 10, 2018

Monday Morning Inspiration/Not Your Grandmother's Tailored Jackets

Sometimes I feel as though my life is an I Love Lucy sitcom ;) 

So, here's what happened... 
I was home alone for the night, and feeling a little lonely, and it occurred to me that I could lock the door between my dressing room and my bedroom. The only entrance into my bedroom is through the dressing room. The lock that is on the door is a skeleton lock, after all the house was built in 1924. I had thought, "What a great idea! I will lock the door and sleep peacefully through the night." Not!!! I locked the door, and the lock jammed! I could not get the door open. I tried and tried, but no luck. I was trapped!!! I didn't sleep the rest of the night as I thinking about how I could get myself out. Finally, I remembered the attic window. Originally, this was the only way into the attic. Since we have had the house, we added a pull down staircase. 

I waited until the next morning, and devised a plan. At first I thought I could just climb up on my headboard as it is rather high, and attached to the wall. But, it was just a little too far for me to hoist myself up into the window. So, I decided to move my bed and then pull the armoire over. I then put a chair on top of the armoire. The problem then was to get myself up on the armoire. I then took another chair and put it on the bed. But, before I climbed up, I realized that the armoire wasn't as secure as it should be, so I moved my bedside table in back of the armoire to keep it from tilting over once I climbed up. Success!!! I was able to climb up and through the window. 

At this point, I'm thinking that the hard part was over. Well, no. Letting the staircase down was another problem that needed to be solved. I couldn't just let the stairs crash to the floor. I had some yarn in the attic, so I pulled off a long length and devised a pulley of sorts that allowed me to let the stairs down gently. Once the stairs were down, and I was on the other side, what a relief. There's more to the story, but enough for now. I took a picture to show my husband. He could not believe it. In the end, he was just grateful that I didn't fall and kill myself. Hey, we do what we need to do :)

I thought you might enjoy the picture of my stacked up furniture :) 

Last Saturday was the first meeting for the Haute Couture Club of Chicago after our summer hiatus. We had such a great meeting. Gregg Fishman of Fishman's Fabrics in Chicago was our guest speaker. He always brings a number of fabulous fabrics for us to purchase if we would like. I bought 2 pieces, a fabulous silk, and a lovely piece of autumn yellow wool. Years ago, I had a jacket made out of a piece of wool in this color and I literally wore it out. I wore it with everything, skirts, jeans, dresses. It was like the perfect piece. So, I was quite happy when I saw this piece in his pile of goodies. Now I am thinking of how I want to make this jacket. Since I'm looking for myself, I thought I would share some of what I found.

I really love this jacket. It's structured and yet soft, and I really like the elongated lapel. 

This jacket is so stunning. I love the pop of color. And I also like the asymmetrical aspect of the collar.

This is a fabulous idea for a plaid. It's structured, it's soft, it has a play on the plaid, and I love the fringed edging. 

This is a great design. The collar is a true lapel collar, but it radiates out of the princess line seam. I rather like the odd little pocket on the seam, too! 

Another play on structured and soft. The lapel that kinda becomes a ruffle, and then the tie belt. Such fun!

This is a basic tailored jacket with a little extra ease that is then pulled in with the side belts. Really pretty.

Rather than having buttons, a side belt. 

The next 2 jackets are all out WOW!!! 

Talk about catch your eye! The braided...I'm not sure what to call them...I think are fabulous!  

This jacket is so, so lovely. Such an amazing design. 

I am so very happy that structure jackets are coming back into vogue. I absolutely love being able to throw a jacket on with whatever I am wearing.

Have a fabulous week, and remember, there's usually a solution to just about any problem. ;)


  1. That sounds like a Nancy Drew adventure! Your house sounds wonderful, with skeleton keys and attic windows high in the wall.

    I once got blocked from our main house due to a construction delay and had to enter and exit through the windows on the side of the house. I would have gone to a hotel, but I had a little old dog, so the dog and I spent an entire weekend climbing through windows.

  2. Oh gosh! I am glad you're okay!!! That furniture stack looks like smoething I would do so I get it! :)

    I really, really love the denim look unlined jacket and the pink one. Beautiful details!!

    Do you tend to post when the couture club is meeting? Is it open?? I am in Chicago somewhat frequently and am thinking I could possibly attend sometime.

  3. I absolutely love these jackets. #1 is most practical for me, however I do love #4 and #9. If you figure out how to draft #9 let me know. I think I need this jacket. Glad you were able to "break out" injury free - you go girl! Hope all is well.

  4. RHONDA!!!
    I cannot believe you climbed up on that very precarious perch! Thank God you were not hurt. I won't do stuff like that unless another person is with me. Hope you had your cell phone as you climbed up there. Although, you couldn't really dial if you were dead! I don't know how you slept a single wink.
    Hey! You need to give us a tour of your house sometime. It sounds fascinating.

  5. Oh my this could definitely be an episode from a sitcom! I’m happy you didn’t hurt yourself! And you were very creative ;) Love the pink jacket....especially the collar

  6. Oh what adventures you have!! And great jacket inspiration.

  7. Next time you want protection, just move the armoire in front of the door and save yourself all that trouble. ;) Not liking the jacket with braids at all, but I can so see you in that last jacket - and your skill level could make it happen!

  8. Those are amazing jackets, especially the very last one. Glad you weren't hurt Rhonda but it does make a funny story!

  9. What an amazing & fascinating collection of jackets!! Thank you for sharing & sparking our imagination.

  10. That is just so funny... How in the heck did the chair get up onto the armoire?? Would love to have seen this play out. But yes! there's a solution to every problem, it's just the looking that can be difficult.
    Love the jackets you've chosen for us.....

  11. Some solutions are more challenging than others, including the construction of some of these jackets, and including your getting out of your bedroom.

  12. Glad you were able to get out.
    That last jacket is exquisite.

  13. Quelle nuit vous avez dû passer, heureusement tout a bien fini.
    Bonne journée

  14. You are a very determined person! I'm glad it all turned out well!

  15. It's the pink jacket for me, simply beautiful.

  16. Hey Rhonda, good thinking! Sounds like me and my sister--we have had so many "Lucy and Ethel" moments over the years. A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do! ;)

  17. So glad you survived this crazy event. This could have had a nasty outcome. Thanks for the jacket update. Nothing I would love more than a bit of challenging tailoring in my life. My fave is definitely the denim-ish blue with the slightly ruffled lapel and tie - very wearable yet fresh looking and not too "office-y"

  18. I Love Lucy indeed! Glad you made it through unscathed and had a good story to dine out on. The jackets are amazing. You always find the most interesting garments to post. I love the first one too. And the plaid one. And the denim one! And the one with braids – it might be possible to find a word for the braids from military uniforms where they are festooned with golden braids. And the last jacket is very Balenciaga. I hope you'll keep us in your loop regarding which one you make.

  19. The I Love Lucy theme song is playing in my head! Lol

  20. Where can I find the orange jacket with the pocket on sleeve?

    1. I looked it up using google images, but could not find a link. So sorry.
