Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Wednesday, August 22, 2018

A Month of Woven Tees/Week 3

I'll tell the story in full at another time, but what a couple of days I have had. It even included me having to run and hide between houses at 2:30 in the morning. When we last touched base on Monday, I had said that Mr. Berkley was doing so well, I spoke too soon. He had gotten me up due to a sick stomach, and it was while I was out with him that we encountered a car that was doing some strange things, and which made me feel the need to run and hide between houses. But hey, I'm here to tell the story. A good ending is always a good thing!

For the month of August, Becky of Trial Balloons and I are doing a month of woven tees. I decided to just use the same pattern for each of my tees. Since I have been using the free raglan tee from, this week's challenge of using a raglan tee pattern was a cinch. Becky did a layered tee that is absolutely smashing. You can find it HERE

I had this piece of double faced fabric that I have been wanting to use, black on 1 side, white on the other. 

I must say that I really took the easy way out on this challenge, as I basically just made up the pattern as is. But, a raglan tee offers a nice option for color blocking. So I used the black side of the fabric for the sleeves, and the white side for the body. 

Rather than sew the bias binding to the inside of the neckline, I sewed it to the outside to continue the color blocking aspect.

For the sleeve cuff, I rolled the hem to the outside so the opposite side of the fabric would be seen on the cuffs.

And I rolled the hem of the top to the front side as well. What you see below is the serged edge of the side seam. I could have done a flat-felled seam, but I was fine with the small amount of the serged seam showing. 

 Now that the top is done, I need to crank out a pair of pants, and this is 1 fabric that will be out of the stash ;)

My recipe this week is also very easy. It can be a refreshing afternoon drink, or served as a cocktail.

I begin with the Wild Berry Hibiscus tea from Mighty leaf. Any hibiscus or berry tea will be fine.

I brew up a pitcher full, and then pour some of the tea into an ice cube tray.   

Place frozen ice cubes in a lovely glass.

Fill the glass about 1/3 full of the brewed tea.

Now, here's where you can take it from an afternoon treat to a cocktail. 
For an afternoon treat, I like La Croix Berry flavored sparkling water.

Fill with the glass with the sparkling water, and you have a delicious drink. If you would like a cocktail version, just substitute the sparkling water with Prosecco, or your favorite sparkling white wine. 

What I love is that when the ice cubes begin to melt, the drink does not get diluted, and the flavor remains delicious from beginning to end!

Be sure to check out Becky's recipe for Earl Grey French Macaroons. My mouth is watering!!!


  1. There is just nothing like being awakened from a deep sleep by the sound of a sick dog! I hope your baby is better. I love this week's top. I get so excited by all the possibilities of two-sided fabric that I usually can't decide and there they sit on the shelf. I look forward to seeing the pants.

    1. Thanks Katrina 😊 We had a very difficult night and then day, 2 trips to the vet’s office. Thankfully, he seems to be feeling so much better.
      I’ve had the fabric for quite a while. So nice to get it out and made up!

  2. Oh no. I hope Mr Berkley is better. Your shirt looks great, as does the drink.

  3. I like how well that fabric worked up with that raglan tee, lots of potential there!

  4. WOW ... Nice top and sparkling drink ... FIESTA :)

  5. Another tee shirt winner Rhonda - love the way you used this fabric to its fullest . Great tips also on making the ice cubes from berry tea. My ice cube trays are currently full of homemade basil butter - need to change them out !

  6. I just finished reading Trial Balloons - loved her T and commented that I may have to copy her design. I also love your T and again, may have to hijack your design as well and reduce my stash. Glad Mr. Berkley is better and nothing happened to you. I will give this drink a go too. Thanks for sharing.
