Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Sleeves, Sleeves, Sleeves...It's a Workshop

Getting "back on the horse" can apply to so many aspects of our lives. I went skiing on Monday. It was a gorgeous day. The mountain was jammed with people as it is spring break for many across the country. I was coming down an intermediate run, and in the distance I saw a ski instructor with a very large class traversing the hill from a beginner run. I slowed up to give them time to pass. Evidently, there were some stragglers who had not been paying attention and suddenly realized that the class had left them behind. With that, one of the members of the class made a sudden turn, right in front of me. In avoiding her, I went off of the trail and flew into the trees. I knew I was going to hit hard, but luckily for me, the snow was deep, I was caught just inches from my head slamming into the tree. As it was, I had to dig myself out of a hole that was over knee deep. I must have fallen 5 more times just trying to dig myself out. I'm heading out today to get back on that proverbial horse :/


I am so very excited about a class that I will be teaching in Chicago on Saturday, April 21, 2018. It will be an entire day of drafting sleeves!!! My favorite thing :)

Here's all of the information; 

As you can see, you do not need to be an American Sewing Guild member to join the class, but it's a great group of ladies, so why not join? :) 

Supplies needed for the class;

*1 roll of white paper
*18” clear ruler
*1 black pen
*1 red pen ( a Sharpie will be fine. It just needs to have a fine point)
*Paper scissors
*Front and back bodice from a t-shirt pattern
*Sleeve from a t-shirt pattern
*scotch tape

I purchase my paper from an office supply store. It's called banner paper and it comes in a 30" wide, by 52 ft. long roll. I am a big fan of drafting with white paper as it's easy to see through when layering 1 pattern piece over another. 

It's important that the t-shirt pattern be a basic pattern. You can find a great pattern at Londa's Creative Sewing. The pattern used for drafting should have the basic round neckline, and a straight sleeve. For the drafting exercises, the sleeve, as well as the front and back bodice patterns need to have all seam allowances removed, and the pattern transferred to poster board. Having a hard pattern to trace around makes all the difference in the world.  

If you are interested in taking the class, you can find all of the info as well as links to the registration form HERE

Hope to see you in Chicago!!!


  1. Your sleeve class sounds wonderful--lucky Chicagoans. Those tree holes are dangerous!

    1. Thankfully there was enough snow to grab me before I hit the tree. And...I have a new story to tell 😉

  2. I would love to attend but hubby would not approve of airfare and hotel for a sewing class.. the sadness is real.

    1. Maybe one day I will be close to you, then no airfare or hotel! 😊

  3. I would SO attend this. But I'm heading out of town that day. IDK if I've mentioned Chicago being my home town. I'll be there 4/14...a little too soon :)

  4. I grew up in Itasca! I can't believe you are holding a sewing event in my home live in AZ. Didn't discover ASG until we moved to AZ. Love your blog.

    1. Aimee- I live in Tempe . I used to belong to ASG & was a neighborhood leader but got away from it .

  5. Gosh I wish I lived closer I’d love to take the sleeve seminar . But I will be there in May for fashion Show . Stressing a bit as I’ve heard it’s a pretty dressy 👗👗👗
