Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Wednesday, August 23, 2017

The Wednesday Showcase

It's a bright, sunny day here in Chicago, with super nice temps, the start to a perfect day :)

Last night, my husband, my dog Gracie,and I walked over to the library to pick up a book I had ordered for my husband. Wow, that just reminded me of a funny story...

During my husband's career, he had a secretary that took care of, as it turns out, a lot. On his very first Monday of retirement, he told me that he would like to schedule an appointment to see his doctor. I quickly realized that he didn't intend to make the appointment, but wanted me to. So, I made the call and then wrote down the appointment time on a piece of paper, at the top of the page. I wish I could act what he then did. I actually sat there in amazement. He put his hands up, palms facing me as though he he was going to stop me, and then said, "Okay, as you go about scheduling my day, I would like for you to put my first appointment at the bottom of the page and then work up from there. Then, as I go about my day, I can just tear off each task as I accomplish it." 

As I was sitting there listening to him, my first thought was, "as I schedule your day???" But, I listened, and when he finished, I took a deep breath and said,"Oookay," lips somewhat pursed ;) That was the last appointment I made for him. He has learned to take care of himself, with 1 exception, I find books for him to read.

I was actually going to tell you last night's skunk story, another day :) Gracie did not get sprayed...Thank God!!!

Last week I did a rather unconventional Wednesday Showcase post, sharing a bit of my closet, and introducing you to Jennifer Scott of the Daily Connoisseur. This week, I thought I would share 2 blogs that I think you might enjoy, not traditional, but interesting nonetheless.

First up...
I'm sure most of you know about Canada College in Redwood City, California, near San Francisco. They have a fabulous fashion design and merchandising department and offer class times that will fit into most schedules. Each year, the school sponsors a wonderful event, Artistry in Fashion. You can read more about it HERE. If you follow Communing With Fabric, then you know about the event as I think she tries to never miss it!

The fashion department also hosts a wonderful blog which you can find HERE. There you can read about fashion trends, spotting new trends, and designer showcases like this article on Michelle Paganini. There's even an article on how to overcome a creative block. Truly, something for everyone who loves fashion and design!

Next up is a brand new blog from Couture Fabrics. They just began blogging in April of this year. The articles are short, but offer information on fitting, working with menswear fabrics, and working with fine fabrics. And of course, they even showcase some of their exquisite fabrics.

Who doesn't like to look at pretty fabric?!! If only we could just look ;) 

Have a wonderful day!


  1. Thank you for sharing these links. I especially enjoyed that article on how to get you creative mojo working. Very apt for me. Xx

  2. Oh dear, the retirement story is so funny. I can just picture you both πŸ˜‚. Whilst The Management has had his moments I think you win!

    1. Just another phase of life that you have to find the humor in 😊 As you know, we had a few "moments" early on. But I haven't killed him, at least not yet 😜

  3. Loved the retirement story about your husband!! Those fabrics are gorgeous!

    1. 😊His retirement wasn't the easiest time of our marriage for me, but we have adjusted and now have funny stories to tell! If it leaves you with a funny story, then it's a good thing.
