Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Thursday, August 3, 2017

On The Road, Row By Row

I am not much of a quilter. All my life, I have been surrounded, and warmed by beautiful quilts that my great-grandmother and my grandmother made. I have a wonderful quilt that my great-grandmother made, a whole cloth quilt. A while back, I washed it and when I hung it to dry, I could see that the batting was not batting, but another quilt, quite possibly, one that my great-great-grandmother made. I would love to see it, and have thought about taking out the stitches in a corner to reveal the quilt inside. We'll see :)

There's a quilt that hangs in a guest room that my grandmother made when she was 14 years old, a lovely take on a wedding ring quilt. It warms my soul whenever I enter the room. I also have 2 precious little doll quilts that my grandmother made for my mother when she was a child, and I then played with. What's amazing to me is that she actually hand-pieced these little treasures. And to think that I had those little quilts outside, and even wrapped my cat up in them :/ 

Every once in a while, I will put a quilt together, but my grandmother would probably roll her eyes at the fact that all the piecing is done on the machine, as well as the quilting. At the moment, I have one of those "for the rest of my life projects" in the works, a yo-yo quilt. I work on it for a while, grow tired of it, put it away, and then break it out again maybe a year later. One day ;) 

If you listened to the interview I did with Tina of The Fabric Nook in Granby, Colorado, you heard her talk about participating in the Row by Row Experience. It all began in New York state in 2011 when 20 shops came together to create a traveling experience for those who came by their shops. It has now grown world wide with stores across the United States, Canada, and Europe participating. It's just such a fun way to create a lasting memory of your travels!

This week, I have a wonderful little friend visiting with me. She came last year and as I was taking her back to the airport, I asked what she enjoyed most about her time in Chicago. She replied, "our sew day." So, she's back, a year older, 17 and still wants to sew! In fact, I had planned for us to go downtown last night for a concert and she opted to stay home and sew. Amazing!!!

Before she arrived, I popped into a little quilt shop that is in my neighborhood to pick up their Row by Row kit as I thought it would be a nice memento for her to take home. She was so excited when she saw it. I told her that we could make a pillow if she liked, rather than a quilt panel. She told me that she would have a sofa in her dorm room this year and she would love to have a fun pillow.  

Here's the front of the pillow. Thankfully, the cityscape came pre-cut with the fusible backing already applied. Score!!!

The pinwheels were supposed to be on either side of the cityscape, but since we wanted a pillow, we opted to use them as the back of the pillow.

If you are visiting Chicago this summer and would like a fun little remembrance of your visit, you can find all the information on Second City Quilts HERE.

I was in Colorado the first of July and I made a point of visiting the 2 quilt shops that are in the area.  "On The Go To Baldy" is from Cabin Quilts and Stitches, a fun store in Grand Lake which is just on the border of the Rocky Mountain National Forest. 

The row beautifully depicts all that the area has to offer.

Then I stopped in to see Tina and pick up her design. It really warms my cowgirl heart :) You may remember that we talked in the interview about how the cattle were actually driven through the town of Granby at one time. 

Tina's Row by Row kit comes in this fun heavy paper envelope. It was tied with a cute string, but not unlike a child at Christmas, I couldn't wait to take a look inside!

Of the 3 kits that I've purchased, Tina's is by far the most detailed. Fabulous instructions, a template so you don't get lost in where what goes. And even better, the cowgirl as well as the cows have been laser cut, so they are all ready to go, WOO, HOO!!!

You can find Tina HERE at The Fabric Nook. If by chance you do stop by, be sure to ask for Tina as I know she would love to meet you :)

I'm going back to Second City Quilts to get another kit for myself. It's just so much fun to put these together!! For the first time in quite a while, I REALLY want to put a quilt together. 


  1. What a wonderful gift to have not only these quilts but the precious memories that go with them.
    I collected fabric scraps from outworn clothes of my foster siblings throughout their childhoods and as each turned 18 I gave them a quilt made up of these scraps. Memories of their childhoods.
    My very dear friend came from New York and spent 5 weeks with myself and my late husband in 2005.
    We converted our double front bedroom into a bed sit for her including a tiny faux garden in the chimney breast alcove by one of the windows. It had a little decked area and faux trees and flowers with a folding Adirondack chair, because I was concerned that we have/had far more rain in the UK than in NY. Though we rarely need screens and throw our windows wide open, which she loved.
    I photographed this and many of the places we visited, she spent a day in London with my husband as it's not easy for me to be there in my wheelchair (I lived there for 10 yrs when able bodied).
    6 months after she returned home I sent her a "memory quilt" it was made up of squares that represented the places we'd been, her bedroom garden, our pets. On the back were panels that were a diary of our adventures. It was hard work and at times I almost gave up but I'm so glad I didn't. There were fabrics included that she had handled in our home, scraps from clothes that I'd made and worn.
    I lost my husband (a special friend to my friend to) in 2007 and so this is not only a memento of a once in a lifetime trip to UK but of him and their shared day too.
    We had spent 3 weeks in NY with her arriving 2 days after 9/11 and when she came to us she brought a huge canvas 3' x 2' that was a mural of our time with her. So even if you can't sew/quilt there are ways to capture those wonderful memories and have them in your daily life not in a photo album or computer.
    Hope you have a wonderful crafty time with your young friend.

    Lucy ~England

  2. I'm so impressed by a hand made quilt. You are so fortunate to have such tangible proof of your grandmother and great grandmother in quilt form. Imagine doing all that work and then using it as batting later! As you know I am making The Management a quilt (very slowly). It would be wonderful to imagine it being cherished in the future the way yours are.

    1. I am SURE that your daughter will cherish it.
      It was quite common when an old quilt would wear out that it would then be used as batting in a new quilt. I just think it would be fun to peak back the outer layers and then have someone take a look and assess the age of the fabric that was used on the quilt inside.

  3. When you have too many clothes - start quilting.....

    1. I have lots of clothes, for sure, but things wear out, I grow tired of them. So there's always room for something new 😊
