Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Friday, August 11, 2017

Details Can Really Make a Garment Pop!

I have recently begun to long for a new little dog, a puppy, a little puppy that's brand new to this world. As tempting as a purebred is, it will be a little rescue pup. I've looked at so many rescue sites. While looking last night, there was a little pup that caught my eye, but the angel in my heart whispered, "wait, not yet." The older I get, the more I am learning to listen to that angel who lives in my heart, she always knows best.

A year ago, my Little Bit was beginning to struggle. The stairs were an issue, but she had learned to call for me when she wanted to come down, and of course I would come running to her aide. The tumor in her jaw had also begun to grow. It's still heartbreaking to think about it, but hearts do heal, and mine is mending. It's amazing what time can do :) 

After what has turned out to be a busy summer, things are returning to normal, and I'm getting back to my neglected projects.

Just about a month ago, I shared with you the jacket below that I made using the Islander Fast and Fabulous Jacket pattern. I was very pleased with the finished jacket. 

Taking a look at the pattern cover, you can see that I tapered the jacket at the waist. Although I was very pleased with the pattern, I found the sleeves to be a little short and advised to lengthen the sleeve. 

The jacket was designed to be a fast make by serging the seams. While that's great, I wanted do another where a little more time is taken to give the jacket just a bit more pizzazz. 

The jacket below is a linen and denim blend. I purchased a fun coordinating fabric that I used to bind the seams.

I absolutely love how it looks. It's now one of those jackets that I enjoy looking at the inside as much as the outside.

I decided to pipe the outer edge of the jacket. As you can see, I'm not quite finished.

For a little added interest, I included the vent and piped it as well.

I plan to pipe the edge of the welt for the welt pockets, and I think I will also do piped bound buttonholes. Why not, right? :)

I'm going to do one final jacket and this one will be out of suede, and lined. So you'll be able to see just how versatile the pattern is.  

 The Fast and Fabulous Jacket pattern is a great pattern that lends itself to so many fabric possibilities.'s perfect whether you want something quick to make, or you want to add a little more detail.

Back to the studio!


  1. OH! That red fabric is really singing to me!! Can't wait to see it! Both your others are wonderful. When the time is right, things will fall into place for a new puppy to steal your heart. Our Trooper (a year old last March) is such a lovable "Dennis the Menace". The house was so empty when we lost our two house within 6 months of each other, but Trooper is my new handful! :) He takes me away from my sewing room more often that I'd like.............oh well.........

  2. Oh, I know that space between not being ready and being ready for a new dog. It's soooo difficult not to adopt every homeless baby, but you are right not to question your readiness. You will know when it's okay to get a new pup.

    And I sure admire your commitment to a pattern! It takes me so long to finish anything that if I ever get done with it, I definitely don't want to make it again! You are going to have a beautiful wardrobe of jackets from this one.

  3. I'm so glad you'll get a rescue! I got my 2 purebred Great Pyrenees from a rescue and have a friend that got a French Bulldog from a rescue, so you can have it all! The rescue pleas that always tug at my heart are the bonded pairs, to split them after years together would be sad.

  4. Beautiful work! The red suede is to die for! The pattern's a bit pricey for me. I bet I could make one up out of one of my shirt patterns, though.

    1. I bet you could! I think that sounds like a doable challenge 😊

  5. It is so, so hard to lose someone, and I do count our pets as a someone. I always say never again and then get smitten again. You will know when they come into your life. I love your jackets, the attention to detail is gorgeous as ever and that red suede is absolutely glorious. Xx

  6. This jacket is perfect for a night in town! I like the red one as well :)
