Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Thursday, August 31, 2017

Can a Jacket Cry?

I won't include everyone, as I would like to believe that there's someone out there who finishes every project that they begin. But, I think there are many of us that for whatever reason, have garments that languish unfinished, in a drawer, hanging in the closet, or folded up on our work table. They need buttons, maybe a hem, usually just some little something that never seems to get accomplished. While truth be told, I have many, there's one in particular that has almost seemed to cry out, "PA-LEEASE finish me!" 

If you've followed the blog for a while, you may remember the Pepernoot Sew Along I did on the Sew News blog. Cute, cute coat from Waffle Patterns.  

The jacket on the left, I made for the Sew News magazine. The coat on the right was made during the sew along. I absolutely love those great big hippy flowers :)

During the sew along, I mentioned that the coat could easily be made without the hood. Some one asked it I would elaborate, so I decided to make up a spring/fall version without the hood. Coat/lining cut and ready to go.

The last time I left you, I am very ashamed to say, was May 20, 2016. I truly hold my head in shame :( 
The coat was basically finished, I wanted to adjust the tabs. The pockets needed to be added, and the hems finished. 

The zipper and lining were both in, so just little finishing jobs left.

Here, on August 31, 2017, I am very happy to say that the coat is FINALLY finished! 

I decided to try a different application for the pockets. Rather than inserting the zippers, I lined and top stitched around the pockets .

Placed them on the jacket and then top stitched them in place.

An opening was left to insert the hand.

And I made a bar tack at the lower edge of the opening to reinforce the pocket.

The hems are in, and I am all set! Finally!!!

I recently came across this fun little piece of fabric. Love the whimsical planes, trains, and boats. I'm making a little pencil skirt to wear with my jacket. 

The lining I used for the jacket was found at an antique store. Believe it or not, an antique store can be a great fabric resource. If I'm not mistaken, there were about 5 yards and it looks like there will be enough to line a skirt and make a little blouse. I am going to be one patriotic looking sight ;)

While our languishing projects can't actually cry, we can, like all the times I have gone to get dressed and said, "if only I had that coat finished." Well, now it's finished and I can't wait for the temps to fall just enough to begin pulling it on.

Hope I've inspired you to grab an old project and get it done!  


  1. My goodness this looks amazing!!!

    I pulled out a 2-year old UFO jacket that I hope to finish over the long weekend!!

  2. I do have a half finished project that you have now inspired me to finish this weekend. Your coat is gorgeous. The pattern is so cute .

  3. Wow! I love the collarless version out of the denim (?). The pockets are very fun. Love the red top-stitching too. You are so talented!
    Hugs, Joy

  4. Congratulations on finishing your jacket. I think we all have ufo's from time to time.

  5. I put my raincoat on hold when it stopped raining in May. Or was it April? So much sewing is out of season, it will be nice to finish the coat and WEAR the coat in the same week.
    We need to find some airplane yardage for you!

    1. At least your project was set aside and then finished in the same year!
      You made me laugh with the airplane yardage comment ๐Ÿ˜Š

  6. Ok, you have inspired my to finish a coat I started last year instead of starting a new project this weekend.

  7. Wonderful coat! I bet you feel great getting that UFO finished! I hope you show the finished pencil skirt as the fabric looks really great.

  8. Just think of it as an 'early' finish for a 2017 autumn coat! I grew up calling stalled projects "All Buts"; it's finished all but the hem, or buttons, or, or, or... At least with an outer wear coat the styling won't date it from several seasons ago.

    1. I LOVE it! "All Buts," a perfect term! I am going to adopt that if you don't mind๐Ÿ˜Š
