Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Wednesday, May 31, 2017

The Wednesday Showcase/Table Turned

Gifts come in all sorts of ways! 

Last summer I injured my back and I have suffered with it since. I initially went to a rehab facility that combines chiropractic work with exercise. Rather than get better, it got worse! My doctor suggested that I concentrate on acupuncture and massage and allow the area time to heal, which I did, but of course I skied and hiked throughout the winter. The acupuncture and massage have helped, but the pain is persistent. Some days are fairly good, and some days rather terrible, but either way, the pain is never completely gone. So I decided to see an orthopedic doctor who specializes in back pain. As it turns out, it's caused from an old injury to my spine. I fell down the stairs about 10 years ago and really hurt my back. It healed though and I thought nothing of it until the doctor told me that the pain is caused from an old injury. He feels that the correct type of rehab exercises will help to strengthen the muscles around the area and I will once again be pain free. Fingers crossed :)  

I had a rotten headache yesterday, the kind that just won't go away, and of course, I had a rehab appointment. Off I went, feeling a bit sorry for myself. While waiting for my therapist, I opened my mail, and there was a little gift.

Just a few days ago, I needed to quickly throw on something that looked halfway decent, so I pulled out this little dress that I did for a Fabulous Free Pattern Friday post, The Magic Rectangle Dress.

As I pulled it on, the thought came to me that I should make another and revisit the post as I really enjoy wearing this dress. Perfect for summer. 

The message I received was from Maria Geer of Stitch and Sew. She loves to sew and her blog is all about sharing sewing tips, new products, and continuing to build this wonderful sewing community that we all love. 

Her most recent blog post is entitled, My Top 100 Free Sewing Patterns, and low and little Magic Rectangle Dress made it as one of her 100 favorite patterns!!!! Wow, now talk about telepathy ;)

I have gone through her list and it's wonderful. There are patterns for holidays, cute pieces to make for children, toys, quilts, bags, clothing for women, just so much!

Here are a few of my favorites;

Love this super cute whale. Great for a baby shower.

Such a fun hat for summer or winter.

Summer perfect dresses for big girls and little girls.

A fun faux fur vest for when cooler temps roll around once again.

A great carry-all bag with a secure closure. 

We can never have enough cute tees for summer.

Now this is just a small sample of the patterns that Maria has shared, so pop over, check out her POST. I think you'll find lots of fun ideas.

And a special thank you to Maria for featuring one of my pieces. Such a wonderful surprise!!!


  1. I hope the second rehab exercises work! Pain is no good for creativity.

    1. Thanks Brenda. Once I am moving, it's not so bad, just if I'm sitting, or trying to sleep.

  2. Oh yay - I am happy your free pattern was listed! It certainly is a very pretty one. I am sorry to hear about your back issues. I have been having back issues as well - not fun. I too have been trying different approaches to no avail yet but I will keep trying. I hope you will feel relief soon!

    1. I use a wonderful topical oil for pain. It's called Dr. Schulze's Deep Tissue Oil. Just google the name and you'll find the website. They now make it in an ointment. Get the oil, I think it works better. It's all natural, a great product. If you have a problem finding it, just email me and I'll send a link.

  3. How nice to have your pattern featured! And sad to hear you are having health issues. Hopefully all better soon.

    1. Not really a health issue, just a matter of doing the work so it will get better 😊

  4. I hope the current treatment really helps to ease your back problem Rhonda. The Management had back surgery some years ago which helped him but is a real 'last resort'. I'm surprised there was only one of your patterns in that list! I'm off to check out the others 😃

    1. Oh, I plan to stay away from surgery at all costs!!! While surgery is sometimes necessary, I'm a big believer in the power of positive thinking and doing my part with exercise and whatever else I can possibly do.
