Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Wednesday, February 8, 2017

The Wednesday Showcase

Happy Wednesday! 
Looks like the ground hog was right, winter continues on, and snow is on its way. I look at it this way, it's good for my roses. Always a silver lining :)

My husband and I had an early date last night and went to see the movie Hidden Figures. Wonderful see it.

I'm reading a book that most would overlook, but I am finding it to be absolutely fascinating. The title is, Gary, The Most American of All American Cities. You may not know, but U.S. Steel purchased the land that is now known as Gary, Indiana in the beginning of the 20th century in order to increase their size and production. The city was built to house workers, a company town of sorts. The book not only tells the story of Gary, but explains the connection with Chicago, and the ultimate decline of the city. It reads a little like a good novel. 

I have a brand new, and when I say brand new, I mean that she has only been blogging since December 2016. So super brand new!!! Meet Maddie of Maddie Made This

Not only does she love to sew, she finished her master degree in Library and Science in the fall of 2016. And if that wasn't enough, she's  currently working on a Master of Arts in Public History which she'll complete in May. WHEW!!! 

She recently jumped on the Toaster Sweater band wagon and made this super cute top. She said that she hates matching, but the window pane pattern was a nice compromise. You can read her thoughts on the pattern HERE

She recently gave the free Orla Dress pattern a try, and LOVED it! You can read her review HERE.  

Maddie thought that when she began sewing that she would concentrate on items that she couldn't get to fit in ready to wear, but she succumbed to the call of bra making. 

I think you are going to absolutely love Maddie, so by all means, pop over to her blog and say HI!

The Wednesday Showcase is usually reserved for bloggers who are following my blog, but this morning I received a note from G of lin3arossa. I showcased her blog a looooong time ago ;) She's always great about finding interesting people and she thought I should check out Ellen of Ellen Sewing and in particular this amazing puzzle dress that she made.

You can read all about how she did it HERE. Ellen lives in Norway and has a HUGE passion for sewing and really enjoys sharing her makes with like minded creatives. So, please do pop over and say hello and compliment her lovely creation. 

Isn't it great that we can travel all over the world with just 1 simple click, and meet some of the most amazing people?!!!

Have a wonderful day!


  1. Glad you liked it enough to feature! :) Connecting talented seamstresses I follow feels like introducing friends to one another :)

  2. Rhonda, thanks for always giving us interesting things to look at and be in awe over. You help take my mind off the little postage stamp I live on and rejoice in all the wonderful people out there in the world. I'm having to live away from all my "peeps," but it sure is nice to meet some folks in the world community who are sharing their creative selves with us. You're the conduit who brings that life to us...thank you from my little corner of the world...

    1. What a lovely compliment Cathy 😊 Thank you so much!

  3. OMG! Thank you so much for this feature! I've never had one of these before! I'm so grateful that you chose to share me with your followers - excuse me as I now tell everyone I've ever known!

    1. Always my pleasure Maddie 😊 I had found your blog when you made your first post and was waiting for a little more. Hope I've been able to bring a little extra notice your way 😊

  4. It's so great to see someone as busy as Maddie taking the time to create. I love her window pane toaster sweater. And Ellen of Ellen sewing does incredible work. Thanks for sharing these great sewing blogs! I never would have found them without you!
