Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Wednesday, February 1, 2017

The Wednesday Showcase

Happy Wednesday Everyone! 

Well, it has been quite a week as I've been to the emergency room twice. Once is bad enough, but twice is not nice. The nasty cold I've been dealing with for far too long turned into a rather awful and quite painful sinus infection. Due to the tumor I had, and the resulting reconstructive surgery, I have lots of scar tissue in my sinuses, making the whole situation just that much more fun ;) The second trip was just a stupid thing. I was moving a piece of furniture that had a metal brace under a drawer. I hit it just right and sliced my finger open. This is one situation where I hope things don't come in 3's!!!!

Now on to something a little more fun :)

I am so happy to see that Erin of Sie macht has her blog up and running. I had hoped to showcase her blog last week, but she was in the process of preparing a shiny new blog. So it's up, and I think you are going to really enjoy meeting her!

Erin is the mother of 2. She lives near Milwaukee, Wisconsin, such a beautiful state. Her life has had quite the transformation over the last few years. You can read all about it HERE on her about page. 

Erin is absolutely adorable. She has quite the passion for sewing. You can find a fun and informative new post each and every Thursday. The picture above is from a post she did on researching sewing tables. It's a very informative post, so if you are thinking about a new table, by all means, check out her information. 

She made up the Erin Skirt and the Molly Top from Sew Over It and loved both. It goes without saying that she looks super cute in both :)

Erin has also been doing a little quilting. Hey, she does live in Wisconsin where a quilt is not only decorative, but necessary! Just check out the picture below.

Erin took a blogging break...for FOUR years!!! She came back last March, so by all means, I hope that you will pop over and give her a great big warm welcome back!

Next up is Joyce of School of Custom Clothing and Alterations. Her blog and website are not only informative, but a fabulous resource!

Joyce has a passion for fit, tailoring, and even alterations. Below is a picture of an article she did for Thread's magazine. The article was written 10 years ago, but she says that the logic remains as true today as it was then. You can find her entire article HERE. If this all seems somewhat familiar, you're right. A few weeks back, I showcased Tomasa of Sew Much Fashion. The class that she took to create her amazingly fitted pants block was from Joyce's book on creating a Pant Block.

On her blog, you'll also find info on designing pockets.

This is a woman who actually love's, not likes, to alter clothing. You can find out why HERE.

Joyce is a wonderful resource. She has a such a passion for sewing and fitting. If you would like to find out a little more about her, just click HERE. I think you'll be so happy that you did :)

Hope your week is going well. Mine can only improve from this point forward, at least that's what I'm hoping for :)


  1. OH MY GOSH, RHONDA! Thanks you SO MUCH for featuring me! I'm am beyond flattered! xoxo :D

    I've been following your sewing certification journey with great interest. You are an inspiration!

    1. Truly my pleasure 😊
      Welcome back to blogging!

  2. Thank you for sharing 2 new blogs to explore. So sorry about your mishaps. I hope you are feeling better.

    1. Hi Ginger!
      I am feeling better. I had a rather busy day today, but I came home crawled in the bed and fell asleep at 7:30!!! Actually, I think it's the best thing I can do for myself 😊

  3. Thanks for another inspirational blog Rhonda.
    So sorry to hear of your mishaps, sending you
    healing thoughts. I'm currently in bed with
    a virus I've been fighting for days but today
    it won :-)
    Take care and be good to yourself

    1. Thanks Lucy 😊
      Due to being in such horrific pain, I finally gave in and I'm now on antibiotics. Hate taking them, but...sometimes it's necessary. Hope you feel better soon too!

  4. So sorry to hear about the mishaps - ouch! I hope you feel better soon. Thanks for introducing Erin to us and also thanks for the shout out. Sending well wishes for a speedy recovery.

  5. I am so flattered to be featured on your blog! Thank you!!! You chose the right post to highlight! I had forgotten that I wrote this and didn't think to look back and correct the link to direct readers to current pants course information at I just now changed it and invite you all to take a look. And Rhonda, I hope your finger heals quickly and you continue to feel better. No more emergency room visits for you! Not fun!

  6. Also thanks for featuring Joyce as well. She is one talented lady and a great resource!

  7. Oh dear you have been in the wars. Hopefully on the mend. And still thinking of us with inspiring blog posts.

  8. Healing thoughts being sent from the Hoods. I hope there isn't a third thing too, and that you are feeling a bit better now.
    Both those blogs look very interesting so I will be checking them out later.
    Kim x

  9. Thanks for always finding great new blogs to follow

  10. Have a look at Ellen:
