Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Monday, October 31, 2016

Monday Morning Inspiration/Felting

This past weekend was just what I needed, a nice hike with my dog Gracie, dinner out with some friends, and a felting class at Esther's Place. A couple of weeks ago, I took the nuno felting class that our workshop chairman had put together for Haute Couture. I enjoyed it so much and ended up purchasing another piece of the silk to make another yardage piece. I have my heart set on a sheath dress. After the class, I was just too exhausted to think clearly, so I decided that a ride out to Esther's Place would be something I would enjoy and then I could purchase what I needed for my second project. 

When I went to the website, I saw this pair of hand warmers and loved them. So I decided that if I was going to take the drive out, I may as well take the class and learn a little something new. 

The process is quite interesting. You begin with a piece of bubble wrap that has been cut in the shape you see below. You begin with one side, and then flip it and layer the wool on the other side. This is done twice. What's amazing is that the bubble wrap that's inside keeps the wool from felting and an entire hand warmer is made WITH NO SEWING!!!!!

In the picture below, you see the mitts where I've finished layering the wool and I've just begun embellishing.

The embellishing is complete.

A piece of silk was laid on top of the embellishment. I really like the mitts, but I think in the future I will use the wool as I would like more of my design to show through. 

As I've told you in the past, I have stick bird legs for arms. I was a little concerned about how the mitt would ultimately shape and fit my arm, but the process is really quite simple and even my bird leg arm is fitted! I am really looking forward to using these this winter as my hands are always so cold. Having my fingers free will give me the opportunity to still do things and hopefully the wool will keep my hands warm. At least that's my hope :)

When I got home last night, I wanted a little more inspiration as I really have enjoyed learning about the felting process. Below is the piece I did a few weeks ago.

So I went to Pinterest and searched for Felted Fashion. I thought you too might enjoy seeing a few of the pieces that I thought were especially inspiring.

The shawl below is amazing, well all of the pieces really are. It was also done where pieces of the silk were left exposed. Love the rose pattern.

Simply spectacular!

The silk was left exposed at the bottom with this beautiful piece.

Love this top and skirt.

Check out this amazing coat.

Another amazing piece.

The coordinating boots and purse are to die for. Only problem, I don't know that I would want to chance the boots to the anything they may pick up outside. If I'm not mistaken, the birds look to be needle felted.

And then I thought about the jacket I made a while back for a Thrifty Thursday post. The jacket on the left below is the one that was featured in Sew News. The pattern is still a free pattern and you can download it HERE. I think a little needle felting would make a great embellishment.

I came across a few finishing touches that could easily be added to a felted piece. You can always find a piece of felted wool, make the jacket, and then do a little of the embellishing below and save yourself the time of the actual felting.

Love the leaves as a closure.

But, this is my favorite closure. Love how the cut out in the leaves is echoed in the jacket. 

Felting is truly a learning process, but a process that I'm so enjoying learning, and discovering. If you live anywhere near Chicago, I highly recommend a trip out to Esther's Place. Natasha is a wonderful teacher. And even better, you get to feel like a kid again ;) !!!

Try doing something this week that you've never done before. Allow yourself to play and don't worry about the result being perfect. Just have fun :)

Have a wonderful week!


  1. It is so important to just "play" with our craft every now and then. We get so serious with fit, color, flattering design. Sometimes we need to get back to what truly inspires the creative urge and that is only discovered with creative play. Thanks for the reminder and the wonderful inspo, Rhonda.

    1. You phrased it so beautifully. That's the exact lesson I learned over the weekend, just give yourself the chance to play and learn.
