Master Sewing and Design Certification Program


Monday, June 6, 2016

Monday Morning Fun,We Have a Winner!!!

Well, I could have used a swimsuit yesterday afternoon. I had a few errands to run, so I was out for a while. When I arrived back home, I parked the car and as I was walking back to the house, I got a whiff of something rather foul. Living on the river, you just never know what you might encounter, but rather than look for whatever it was, I decided to go in and get my dinner started. 

My dog Gracie came running up to greet me as she always does and OH MY GOODNESS did she ever smell. Whatever I smelled outside, she had rolled in it!!! Of course my husband was just sitting there oblivious to it all. I asked, "didn't you smell her???" My thought was, how could you not? He said that he did, but he thought it was outside. I told him to scoop her  up and take her down to the walk-in shower where I could quickly bathe her. Whatever it was that she rolled in was so strong that it made me choke while trying to wash it off. In the end, the dog was clean and I and my dress were soaking wet. 

Once finished, I looked at my husband and said, "I really hope that I out live all of you as this house will otherwise be a stinking free for all!!!" He hung his head and said, "we are all happy to have you." At least it's nice to be appreciated :)

Now to the task at hand, the announcement of the Papercut Soma Swimsuit Pattern!

And the winner is...

Congratulations Angie!!!

Please email me with your mailing info as I also have a magazine to send out to you. The pattern will be a PDF pattern that will be sent directly to you from Katie of Papercut Patterns.

For those of you who did not win, if you would like to make up the suit, you can find the pattern HERE on the Sew News site. You can also purchase the pattern directly from Papercut. You'll find the PDF version HERE, and the beautifully packaged version HERE. Although the packaged version is a little more, they ship for FREE worldwide!!! The experience of the packaged version is well worth the few extra dollars. 

I'm really looking forward to the sew along. 
Happy Swimming!!!

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